📌  相关文章
📜  通过k操作最小增量,以使所有元素相等

📅  最后修改于: 2021-04-26 07:15:22             🧑  作者: Mango


例子 :

Input : arr[] = {4, 7, 19, 16},  k = 3
Output : 10

Input : arr[] = {4, 4, 4, 4}, k = 3
Output : 0

Input : arr[] = {4, 2, 6, 8}, k = 3
Output : -1

为了解决这个问题,我们需要检查所有元素是否都可以相等,也只能通过从元素值中增加k来检查。为此,我们必须检查任何两个元素的差应始终被k整除。如果是这样,则所有元素都可以相等,否则无论如何都不能通过将k递增k来使它们相等。同样,可以通过找到所有元素的(max – Ai)/ k值来计算所需的操作次数。其中max是数组的最大元素。

算法 :

// iterate for all elements
for (int i=0; i
// Program to make all array equal
using namespace std;
// function for calculating min operations
int minOps(int arr[], int n, int k)
    // max elements of array
    int max = *max_element(arr, arr + n);
    int res = 0;
    // iterate for all elements
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        // check if element can make equal to
        // max or not if not then return -1
        if ((max - arr[i]) % k != 0)
            return -1;
        // else update res for required operations
            res += (max - arr[i]) / k;
    // return result
    return res;
// driver program
int main()
    int arr[] = { 21, 33, 9, 45, 63 };
    int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
    int k = 6;
    cout << minOps(arr, n, k);
    return 0;

// Program to make all array equal
import java.io.*;
import java.util.Arrays;
class GFG {
    // function for calculating min operations
    static int minOps(int arr[], int n, int k)
        // max elements of array
        int max = arr[arr.length - 1];
        int res = 0;
        // iterate for all elements
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            // check if element can make equal to
            // max or not if not then return -1
            if ((max - arr[i]) % k != 0)
                return -1;
            // else update res for required operations
                res += (max - arr[i]) / k;
        // return result
        return res;
    // Driver program
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int arr[] = { 21, 33, 9, 45, 63 };
        int n = arr.length;
        int k = 6;
        System.out.println(minOps(arr, n, k));
// This code is contributed by vt_m

# Python3 Program to make all array equal
# function for calculating min operations
def minOps(arr, n, k):
    # max elements of array
    max1 = max(arr)
    res = 0
    # iterate for all elements
    for i in range(0, n): 
        # check if element can make equal to
        # max or not if not then return -1
        if ((max1 - arr[i]) % k != 0):
            return -1
        # else update res fo
        # required operations
            res += (max1 - arr[i]) / k
    # return result
    return int(res)
# driver program
arr = [21, 33, 9, 45, 63] 
n = len(arr)
k = 6
print(minOps(arr, n, k))
# This code is contributed by 
# Smitha Dinesh Semwal

// C# program Minimum increment by
// k operations to make all elements equal.
using System;
class GFG {
    // function for calculating min operations
    static int minOps(int[] arr, int n, int k)
        // max elements of array
        int max = arr[arr.Length - 1];
        int res = 0;
        // iterate for all elements
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            // check if element can make
            // equal to max or not if not
            // then return -1
            if ((max - arr[i]) % k != 0)
                return -1;
            // else update res for required
            // operations
                res += (max - arr[i]) / k;
        // return result
        return res;
    // Driver program
    public static void Main()
        int[] arr = { 21, 33, 9, 45, 63 };
        int n = arr.Length;
        int k = 6;
        Console.Write(minOps(arr, n, k));
// This code is contributed by nitin mittal.


输出 :