📜  斐波那契编码

📅  最后修改于: 2021-04-27 16:53:39             🧑  作者: Mango

Fibonacci编码使用数字的Fibonacci表示形式将整数编码为二进制数。该想法基于Zeckendorf定理,该定理指出,每个正整数可以唯一地写为不同的非相邻斐波那契数之和(0、1、1、2、3、5、8、13、21、34、55, 89,141,……..)。

特定整数的斐波那契代码字正好是整数的Zeckendorf表示形式,其数字顺序相反,并且在末尾附加了附加的“ 1”。附加的1表示代码的末尾(请注意,根据Zeckendorf定理,该代码永远不会包含两个连续的1。表示形式使用的是从1(第二个Fibonacci数)开始的Fibonacci数。因此,所用的Fibonacci数为1、2 ,3、5、8、13、21、34、55、89、141,……。



Input: n = 1
Output: 11
1 is first Fibonacci number in this representation
and an extra 1 is appended at the end.

Input:  n = 11
Output: 001011
11 is sum of 8 and 3.  The last 1 represents extra 1
that is always added. A 1 before it represents 8. The
third 1 (from beginning) represents 3.

找到小于或等于n的最大斐波那契数f。说这是斐波那契数列中的第i个数字。 n的代码字长度将为i + 3个字符(一个用于末尾附加1个字符,一个因为i是索引,一个用于“ \ 0”字符)。假设斐波那契数列已存储:

  • 令f为小于或等于n的最大斐波那契数,在二进制字符串中以’1’开头。这表示在表示n时使用f。从n减去f:n = n – f
  • 否则,如果f大于n,则在二进制字符串加’0’。
  • 移至正好小于f的斐波那契数。
  • 重复直到剩余为零(n = 0)
  • 在二进制字符串附加一个附加的“ 1”。我们获得一种编码,使得两个连续的1表示数字的结尾(以及下一个的开头)。


/* C program for Fibonacci Encoding of a positive integer n */
// To limit on the largest Fibonacci number to be used
#define N 30
/* Array to store fibonacci numbers.  fib[i] is going
   to store (i+2)'th Fibonacci number*/
int fib[N];
// Stores values in fib and returns index of the largest
// fibonacci number smaller than n.
int largestFiboLessOrEqual(int n)
    fib[0] = 1;  // Fib[0] stores 2nd Fibonacci No.
    fib[1] = 2;  // Fib[1] stores 3rd Fibonacci No.
    // Keep Generating remaining numbers while previously
    // generated number is smaller
    int i;
    for (i=2; fib[i-1]<=n; i++)
        fib[i] = fib[i-1] + fib[i-2];
    // Return index of the largest fibonacci number
    // smaller than or equal to n. Note that the above
    // loop stopped when fib[i-1] became larger.
    return (i-2);
/* Returns pointer to the char string which corresponds to
   code for n */
char* fibonacciEncoding(int n)
    int index = largestFiboLessOrEqual(n);
    //allocate memory for codeword
    char *codeword = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*(index+3));
    // index of the largest Fibonacci f <= n
    int i = index;
    while (n)
        // Mark usage of Fibonacci f (1 bit)
        codeword[i] = '1';
        // Subtract f from n
        n = n - fib[i];
        // Move to Fibonacci just smaller than f
        i = i - 1;
        // Mark all Fibonacci > n as not used (0 bit),
        // progress backwards
        while (i>=0 && fib[i]>n)
            codeword[i] = '0';
            i = i - 1;
    //additional '1' bit
    codeword[index+1] = '1';
    codeword[index+2] = '\0';
    //return pointer to codeword
    return codeword;
/* driver function */
int main()
    int n = 143;
    printf("Fibonacci code word for %d is %s\n", n, fibonacciEncoding(n));
    return 0;

// Java program for Fibonacci Encoding
// of a positive integer n
import java.io.*;
class GFG{
// To limit on the largest Fibonacci
// number to be used
public static int N = 30;
// Array to store fibonacci numbers.
// fib[i] is going to store (i+2)'th
// Fibonacci number
public static int[] fib = new int[N];
// Stores values in fib and returns index of
// the largest fibonacci number smaller than n. 
public static int largestFiboLessOrEqual(int n)
    // Fib[0] stores 2nd Fibonacci No.
    fib[0] = 1; 
    // Fib[1] stores 3rd Fibonacci No.
    fib[1] = 2; 
    // Keep Generating remaining numbers while
    // previously generated number is smaller
    int i;
    for(i = 2; fib[i - 1] <= n; i++)
        fib[i] = fib[i - 1] + fib[i - 2];
    // Return index of the largest fibonacci
    // number smaller than or equal to n.
    // Note that the above loop stopped when
    // fib[i-1] became larger.
    return(i - 2);
// Returns pointer to the char string which
// corresponds to code for n
public static String fibonacciEncoding(int n)
    int index = largestFiboLessOrEqual(n);
    // Allocate memory for codeword
    char[] codeword = new char[index + 3];
    // Index of the largest Fibonacci f <= n
    int i = index;
    while (n > 0)
        // Mark usage of Fibonacci f(1 bit)
        codeword[i] = '1';
        // Subtract f from n
        n = n - fib[i];
        // Move to Fibonacci just smaller than f
        i = i - 1;
        // Mark all Fibonacci > n as not used
        // (0 bit), progress backwards
        while (i >= 0 && fib[i] > n)
            codeword[i] = '0';
            i = i - 1;
    // Additional '1' bit
    codeword[index + 1] = '1';
    codeword[index + 2] = '\0';
    String string = new String(codeword);
    // Return pointer to codeword
    return string;
// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args)
    int n = 143;
    System.out.println("Fibonacci code word for " +
                       n + " is " + fibonacciEncoding(n));
// This code is contributed by avanitrachhadiya2155

# Python3 program for Fibonacci Encoding
# of a positive integer n
# To limit on the largest
# Fibonacci number to be used
N = 30
# Array to store fibonacci numbers.
# fib[i] is going to store
# (i+2)'th Fibonacci number
fib = [0 for i in range(N)]
# Stores values in fib and returns index of
# the largest fibonacci number smaller than n.
def largestFiboLessOrEqual(n):
    fib[0] = 1 # Fib[0] stores 2nd Fibonacci No.
    fib[1] = 2 # Fib[1] stores 3rd Fibonacci No.
    # Keep Generating remaining numbers while
    # previously generated number is smaller
    i = 2
    while fib[i - 1] <= n:
        fib[i] = fib[i - 1] + fib[i - 2]
        i += 1
    # Return index of the largest fibonacci number
    # smaller than or equal to n. Note that the above
    # loop stopped when fib[i-1] became larger.
    return (i - 2)
# Returns pointer to the char string which
# corresponds to code for n
def fibonacciEncoding(n):
    index = largestFiboLessOrEqual(n)
    # allocate memory for codeword
    codeword = ['a' for i in range(index + 2)]
    # index of the largest Fibonacci f <= n
    i = index
    while (n):
        # Mark usage of Fibonacci f (1 bit)
        codeword[i] = '1'
        # Subtract f from n
        n = n - fib[i]
        # Move to Fibonacci just smaller than f
        i = i - 1
        # Mark all Fibonacci > n as not used (0 bit),
        # progress backwards
        while (i >= 0 and fib[i] > n):
            codeword[i] = '0'
            i = i - 1
    # additional '1' bit
    codeword[index + 1] = '1'
    # return pointer to codeword
    return "".join(codeword)
# Driver Code
n = 143
print("Fibonacci code word for", n,
         "is", fibonacciEncoding(n))
# This code is contributed by Mohit Kumar

// C# program for Fibonacci Encoding
// of a positive integer n
using System;
class GFG{
// To limit on the largest Fibonacci
// number to be used
public static int N = 30;
// Array to store fibonacci numbers.
// fib[i] is going to store (i+2)'th
// Fibonacci number
public static int[] fib = new int[N];
// Stores values in fib and returns index of
// the largest fibonacci number smaller than n. 
public static int largestFiboLessOrEqual(int n)
    // Fib[0] stores 2nd Fibonacci No.
    fib[0] = 1; 
    // Fib[1] stores 3rd Fibonacci No.
    fib[1] = 2;
    // Keep Generating remaining numbers while
    // previously generated number is smaller
    int i;
    for(i = 2; fib[i - 1] <= n; i++)
        fib[i] = fib[i - 1] + fib[i - 2];
    // Return index of the largest fibonacci
    // number smaller than or equal to n.
    // Note that the above loop stopped when
    // fib[i-1] became larger.
    return(i - 2);
// Returns pointer to the char string which
// corresponds to code for n
public static String fibonacciEncoding(int n)
    int index = largestFiboLessOrEqual(n);
    // Allocate memory for codeword
    char[] codeword = new char[index + 3];
    // Index of the largest Fibonacci f <= n
    int i = index;
    while (n > 0)
        // Mark usage of Fibonacci f(1 bit)
        codeword[i] = '1';
        // Subtract f from n
        n = n - fib[i];
        // Move to Fibonacci just smaller than f
        i = i - 1;
        // Mark all Fibonacci > n as not used
        // (0 bit), progress backwards
        while (i >= 0 && fib[i] > n)
            codeword[i] = '0';
            i = i - 1;
    // Additional '1' bit
    codeword[index + 1] = '1';
    codeword[index + 2] = '\0';
    string str = new string(codeword);
    // Return pointer to codeword
    return str;
// Driver code
static public void Main()
    int n = 143;
    Console.WriteLine("Fibonacci code word for " +
                      n + " is " + fibonacciEncoding(n));
// This code is contributed by rag2127


Fibonacci code word for 143 is 01010101011


