📜  从给定的三个排序数组中查找三个最接近的元素

📅  最后修改于: 2021-04-27 23:03:24             🧑  作者: Mango

给定三个排序的数组A [],B []和C [],分别从A,B和C中找到3个元素i,j和k,这样max(abs(A [i] – B [j]),abs( B [j] – C [k]),abs(C [k] – A [i]))最小。这里abs()表示绝对值。
例子 :

Input: A[] = {1, 4, 10}
       B[] = {2, 15, 20}
       C[] = {10, 12}
Output: 10 15 10
10 from A, 15 from B and 10 from C

Input: A[] = {20, 24, 100}
       B[] = {2, 19, 22, 79, 800}
       C[] = {10, 12, 23, 24, 119}
Output: 24 22 23
24 from A, 22 from B and 23 from C

一个简单的解决方案是运行三个嵌套循环以考虑A,B和C中的所有三元组。计算max(abs(A [i] – B [j]),abs(B [j] – C [k]]的值),每个三元组为abs(C [k] – A [i])),并返回所有值的最小值。该解决方案的时间复杂度为O(n 3 )
1)遍历A []的所有元素,
a)对元素小于或等于B []和C []中的元素进行二进制搜索,并注意区别。
2)对B []和C []重复步骤1。
有效的解决方案让’p’为A []的大小,’q’为B []的大小,’r’为C []的大小

1)   Start with i=0, j=0 and k=0 (Three index variables for A,
                                  B and C respectively)

//  p, q and r are sizes of A[], B[] and C[] respectively.
2)   Do following while i < p and j < q and k < r
    a) Find min and maximum of A[i], B[j] and C[k]
    b) Compute diff = max(X, Y, Z) - min(A[i], B[j], C[k]).
    c) If new result is less than current result, change 
       it to the new result.
    d) Increment the pointer of the array which contains 
       the minimum.


// C++ program to find 3 elements such that max(abs(A[i]-B[j]), abs(B[j]-
// C[k]), abs(C[k]-A[i])) is minimized.
using namespace std;
void findClosest(int A[], int B[], int C[], int p, int q, int r)
    int diff = INT_MAX;  // Initialize min diff
    // Initialize result
    int res_i =0, res_j = 0, res_k = 0;
    // Traverse arrays
    int i=0,j=0,k=0;
    while (i < p && j < q && k < r)
        // Find minimum and maximum of current three elements
        int minimum = min(A[i], min(B[j], C[k]));
        int maximum = max(A[i], max(B[j], C[k]));
        // Update result if current diff is less than the min
        // diff so far
        if (maximum-minimum < diff)
             res_i = i, res_j = j, res_k = k;
             diff = maximum - minimum;
        // We can't get less than 0 as values are absolute
        if (diff == 0) break;
        // Increment index of array with smallest value
        if (A[i] == minimum) i++;
        else if (B[j] == minimum) j++;
        else k++;
    // Print result
    cout << A[res_i] << " " << B[res_j] << " " << C[res_k];
// Driver program
int main()
    int A[] = {1, 4, 10};
    int B[] = {2, 15, 20};
    int C[] = {10, 12};
    int p = sizeof A / sizeof A[0];
    int q = sizeof B / sizeof B[0];
    int r = sizeof C / sizeof C[0];
    findClosest(A, B, C, p, q, r);
    return 0;

// Java program to find 3 elements such
// that max(abs(A[i]-B[j]), abs(B[j]-C[k]),
// abs(C[k]-A[i])) is minimized.
import java.io.*;
class GFG {
    static void findClosest(int A[], int B[], int C[],
                                  int p, int q, int r)
        int diff = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // Initialize min diff
        // Initialize result
        int res_i =0, res_j = 0, res_k = 0;
        // Traverse arrays
        int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0;
        while (i < p && j < q && k < r)
            // Find minimum and maximum of current three elements
            int minimum = Math.min(A[i],
                          Math.min(B[j], C[k]));
            int maximum = Math.max(A[i],
                          Math.max(B[j], C[k]));
            // Update result if current diff is
            // less than the min diff so far
            if (maximum-minimum < diff)
                res_i = i;
                res_j = j;
                res_k = k;
                diff = maximum - minimum;
            // We can't get less than 0
            // as values are absolute
            if (diff == 0) break;
            // Increment index of array
            // with smallest value
            if (A[i] == minimum) i++;
            else if (B[j] == minimum) j++;
            else k++;
        // Print result
        System.out.println(A[res_i] + " " +
                           B[res_j] + " " + C[res_k]);
    // Driver code
    public static void main (String[] args)
        int A[] = {1, 4, 10};
        int B[] = {2, 15, 20};
        int C[] = {10, 12};
        int p = A.length;
        int q = B.length;
        int r = C.length;
        // Function calling
        findClosest(A, B, C, p, q, r);
// This code is contributed by Ajit.

# Python program to find 3 elements such
# that max(abs(A[i]-B[j]), abs(B[j]- C[k]),
# abs(C[k]-A[i])) is minimized.
import sys
def findCloset(A, B, C, p, q, r):
    # Initialize min diff
    diff = sys.maxsize
    res_i = 0
    res_j = 0
    res_k = 0
    # Travesre Array
    i = 0
    j = 0
    k = 0
    while(i < p and j < q and k < r):
        # Find minimum and maximum of
        # current three elements
        minimum = min(A[i], min(B[j], C[k]))
        maximum = max(A[i], max(B[j], C[k]));
        # Update result if current diff is
        # less than the min diff so far
        if maximum-minimum < diff:
            res_i = i
            res_j = j
            res_k = k
            diff = maximum - minimum;
        # We can 't get less than 0 as
        # values are absolute
        if diff == 0:
        # Increment index of array with
        # smallest value
        if A[i] == minimum:
            i = i+1
        elif B[j] == minimum:
            j = j+1
            k = k+1
    # Print result
    print(A[res_i], " ", B[res_j], " ", C[res_k])
# Driver Program
A = [1, 4, 10]
B = [2, 15, 20]
C = [10, 12]
p = len(A)
q = len(B)
r = len(C)
# This code is contributed by Shrikant13.

// C# program to find 3 elements
// such that max(abs(A[i]-B[j]),
// abs(B[j]-C[k]), abs(C[k]-A[i]))
// is minimized.
using System;
class GFG
    static void findClosest(int []A, int []B,
                            int []C, int p,
                            int q, int r)
        // Initialize min diff
        int diff = int.MaxValue;
        // Initialize result
        int res_i = 0,
            res_j = 0,
            res_k = 0;
        // Traverse arrays
        int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0;
        while (i < p && j < q && k < r)
            // Find minimum and maximum
            // of current three elements
            int minimum = Math.Min(A[i],
                          Math.Min(B[j], C[k]));
            int maximum = Math.Max(A[i],
                          Math.Max(B[j], C[k]));
            // Update result if current
            // diff is less than the min
            // diff so far
            if (maximum - minimum < diff)
                res_i = i;
                res_j = j;
                res_k = k;
                diff = maximum - minimum;
            // We can't get less than 0
            // as values are absolute
            if (diff == 0) break;
            // Increment index of array
            // with smallest value
            if (A[i] == minimum) i++;
            else if (B[j] == minimum) j++;
            else k++;
        // Print result
        Console.WriteLine(A[res_i] + " " +
                          B[res_j] + " " +
    // Driver code
    public static void Main ()
        int []A = {1, 4, 10};
        int []B = {2, 15, 20};
        int []C = {10, 12};
        int p = A.Length;
        int q = B.Length;
        int r = C.Length;
        // Function calling
        findClosest(A, B, C, p, q, r);
// This code is contributed
// by anuj_67.




10 15 10