📜  Django-RSS(1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:40:47.944000             🧑  作者: Mango


What is Django-RSS?

Django-RSS is a Django app that allows you to easily generate RSS feeds for your Django site. It provides a simple API to generate feeds from any database query.


To install Django-RSS, simply run:

pip install django-rss

Then, add 'django.contrib.syndication' and 'django_rss' to your INSTALLED_APPS setting:


To use Django-RSS, first define a subclass of django.contrib.syndication.views.Feed with your desired feed configuration:

from django.contrib.syndication.views import Feed
from django.urls import reverse
from .models import MyModel

class MyFeed(Feed):
    title = "My Site RSS Feed"
    link = "/rss/"
    description = "Updates on my site."

    def items(self):
        return MyModel.objects.all()

    def item_title(self, item):
        return item.title

    def item_description(self, item):
        return item.description

    def item_link(self, item):
        return reverse('my_detail_page', args=[item.pk])

This example generates an RSS feed with the title "My Site RSS Feed", a link of /rss/, and a description "Updates on my site". The items() method returns all instances of MyModel in the database, while the item_title(), item_description(), and item_link() methods define the title, description, and link for each item in the feed.

To serve the feed, add a URL pattern for it in your urls.py:

from django.urls import path
from .views import MyFeed

urlpatterns = [
    path('rss/', MyFeed(), name='my_feed'),

Now, visiting /rss/ in your web browser will display the RSS feed.


Django-RSS provides a simple way to generate RSS feeds for your Django site. With just a few lines of code, you can generate RSS feeds that provide updates on your site's content.