📜  打印所有求值到目标的可能表达式

📅  最后修改于: 2021-04-29 13:26:34             🧑  作者: Mango


Input : "123",  Target : 6
Output : {“1+2+3”, “1*2*3”}

Input : “125”, Target : 7
Output : {“1*2+5”, “12-5”}


  • 在编写递归代码时,我们需要将这些变量保留为递归方法的参数-结果向量,输入字符串,当前表达式字符串,目标值,处理输入的位置,当前求值和求值中的最后一个值。
  • 由于乘法运算,最后值保持递归,而在进行乘法运算时,我们需要最后一个值以进行正确求值。


Input is 125, suppose we have reached till 1+2 now,
Input = “125”, current expression = “1+2”, 
position = 2, current val = 3, last = 2

Now when we go for multiplication, we need last 
value for evaluation as follows:

current val = current val - last + last * current val

First we subtract last and then add last * current 
val for evaluation, new last is last * current val.
current val = 3 – 2 + 2*5 = 11
last = 2*5 = 10 


请参见c_str()函数的使用,此函数将C++字符串转换为C char数组,此函数在以下代码中使用,因为atoi()函数期望将字符数组作为参数而不是字符串。它将字符数组转换为数字。

// C++ program to find all possible expression which
// evaluate to target
using namespace std;
// Utility recursive method to generate all possible
// expressions
void getExprUtil(vector& res, string curExp,
                 string input, int target, int pos,
                 int curVal, int last)
    // true if whole input is processed with some
    // operators
    if (pos == input.length())
        // if current value is equal to target
        //then only add to final solution
        // if question is : all possible o/p then just
        //push_back without condition
        if (curVal == target)
    // loop to put operator at all positions
    for (int i = pos; i < input.length(); i++)
        // ignoring case which start with 0 as they
        // are useless for evaluation
        if (i != pos && input[pos] == '0')
        // take part of input from pos to i
        string part = input.substr(pos, i + 1 - pos);
        // take numeric value of part
        int cur = atoi(part.c_str());
        // if pos is 0 then just send numeric value
        // for next recurion
        if (pos == 0)
            getExprUtil(res, curExp + part, input,
                     target, i + 1, cur, cur);
        // try all given binary operator for evaluation
            getExprUtil(res, curExp + "+" + part, input,
                     target, i + 1, curVal + cur, cur);
            getExprUtil(res, curExp + "-" + part, input,
                     target, i + 1, curVal - cur, -cur);
            getExprUtil(res, curExp + "*" + part, input,
                     target, i + 1, curVal - last + last * cur,
                     last * cur);
// Below method returns all possible expression
// evaluating to target
vector getExprs(string input, int target)
    vector res;
    getExprUtil(res, "", input, target, 0, 0, 0);
    return res;
// method to print result
void printResult(vector res)
    for (int i = 0; i < res.size(); i++)
        cout << res[i] << " ";
    cout << endl;
// Driver code to test above methods
int main()
    string input = "123";
    int target = 6;
    vector res = getExprs(input, target);
    input = "125";
    target = 7;
    res = getExprs(input, target);
    return 0;


1+2+3 1*2*3 
1*2+5 12-5