📜  中位数为整数流(运行整数)

📅  最后修改于: 2021-04-30 02:43:40             🧑  作者: Mango


After reading 1st element of stream - 5 -> median - 5
After reading 2nd element of stream - 5, 15 -> median - 10
After reading 3rd element of stream - 5, 15, 1 -> median - 5
After reading 4th element of stream - 5, 15, 1, 3 -> median - 4, so on...





但是,插入排序需要O(n 2 )时间来排序n个元素。也许我们可以对插入排序使用二进制搜索来找到O(log n)时间中下一个元素的位置。但是,我们无法在O(log n)时间内进行数据移动。无论实现的效率如何,在插入排序的情况下都需要多项式时间。










using namespace std;
// Heap capacity
#define MAX_HEAP_SIZE (128)
#define ARRAY_SIZE(a) sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0])
//// Utility functions
// exchange a and b
void Exch(int &a, int &b)
    int aux = a;
    a = b;
    b = aux;
// Greater and Smaller are used as comparators
bool Greater(int a, int b)
    return a > b;
bool Smaller(int a, int b)
    return a < b;
int Average(int a, int b)
    return (a + b) / 2;
// Signum function
// = 0  if a == b  - heaps are balanced
// = -1 if a < b   - left contains less elements than right
// = 1  if a > b   - left contains more elements than right
int Signum(int a, int b)
    if( a == b )
        return 0;
    return a < b ? -1 : 1;
// Heap implementation
// The functionality is embedded into
// Heap abstract class to avoid code duplication
class Heap
    // Initializes heap array and comparator required
    // in heapification
    Heap(int *b, bool (*c)(int, int)) : A(b), comp(c)
        heapSize = -1;
    // Frees up dynamic memory
    virtual ~Heap()
        if( A )
            delete[] A;
    // We need only these four interfaces of Heap ADT
    virtual bool Insert(int e) = 0;
    virtual int  GetTop() = 0;
    virtual int  ExtractTop() = 0;
    virtual int  GetCount() = 0;
    // We are also using location 0 of array
    int left(int i)
        return 2 * i + 1;
    int right(int i)
        return 2 * (i + 1);
    int parent(int i)
        if( i <= 0 )
            return -1;
        return (i - 1)/2;
    // Heap array
    int   *A;
    // Comparator
    bool  (*comp)(int, int);
    // Heap size
    int   heapSize;
    // Returns top element of heap data structure
    int top(void)
        int max = -1;
        if( heapSize >= 0 )
            max = A[0];
        return max;
    // Returns number of elements in heap
    int count()
        return heapSize + 1;
    // Heapification
    // Note that, for the current median tracing problem
    // we need to heapify only towards root, always
    void heapify(int i)
        int p = parent(i);
        // comp - differentiate MaxHeap and MinHeap
        // percolates up
        if( p >= 0 && comp(A[i], A[p]) )
            Exch(A[i], A[p]);
    // Deletes root of heap
    int deleteTop()
        int del = -1;
        if( heapSize > -1)
            del = A[0];
            Exch(A[0], A[heapSize]);
        return del;
    // Helper to insert key into Heap
    bool insertHelper(int key)
        bool ret = false;
        if( heapSize < MAX_HEAP_SIZE )
            ret = true;
            A[heapSize] = key;
        return ret;
// Specilization of Heap to define MaxHeap
class MaxHeap : public Heap
    MaxHeap() : Heap(new int[MAX_HEAP_SIZE], &Greater)  {  }
    ~MaxHeap()  { }
    // Wrapper to return root of Max Heap
    int GetTop()
        return top();
    // Wrapper to delete and return root of Max Heap
    int ExtractTop()
        return deleteTop();
    // Wrapper to return # elements of Max Heap
    int  GetCount()
        return count();
    // Wrapper to insert into Max Heap
    bool Insert(int key)
        return insertHelper(key);
// Specilization of Heap to define MinHeap
class MinHeap : public Heap
    MinHeap() : Heap(new int[MAX_HEAP_SIZE], &Smaller) { }
    ~MinHeap() { }
    // Wrapper to return root of Min Heap
    int GetTop()
        return top();
    // Wrapper to delete and return root of Min Heap
    int ExtractTop()
        return deleteTop();
    // Wrapper to return # elements of Min Heap
    int  GetCount()
        return count();
    // Wrapper to insert into Min Heap
    bool Insert(int key)
        return insertHelper(key);
// Function implementing algorithm to find median so far.
int getMedian(int e, int &m, Heap &l, Heap &r)
    // Are heaps balanced? If yes, sig will be 0
    int sig = Signum(l.GetCount(), r.GetCount());
    case 1: // There are more elements in left (max) heap
        if( e < m ) // current element fits in left (max) heap
            // Remore top element from left heap and
            // insert into right heap
            // current element fits in left (max) heap
            // current element fits in right (min) heap
        // Both heaps are balanced
        m = Average(l.GetTop(), r.GetTop());
    case 0: // The left and right heaps contain same number of elements
        if( e < m ) // current element fits in left (max) heap
            m = l.GetTop();
            // current element fits in right (min) heap
            m = r.GetTop();
    case -1: // There are more elements in right (min) heap
        if( e < m ) // current element fits in left (max) heap
            // Remove top element from right heap and
            // insert into left heap
            // current element fits in right (min) heap
        // Both heaps are balanced
        m = Average(l.GetTop(), r.GetTop());
    // No need to return, m already updated
    return m;
void printMedian(int A[], int size)
    int m = 0; // effective median
    Heap *left  = new MaxHeap();
    Heap *right = new MinHeap();
    for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        m = getMedian(A[i], m, *left, *right);
        cout << m << endl;
    // C++ more flexible, ensure no leaks
    delete left;
    delete right;
// Driver code
int main()
    int A[] = {5, 15, 1, 3, 2, 8, 7, 9, 10, 6, 11, 4};
    int size = ARRAY_SIZE(A);
    // In lieu of A, we can also use data read from a stream
    printMedian(A, size);
    return 0;

时间复杂度:如果我们省略读取流的方式,则中位数查找的复杂度为O(N log N) ,因为我们需要读取流,并且是由于堆插入/删除。

