📜  PHP 正则表达式

📅  最后修改于: 2020-09-29 05:50:06             🧑  作者: Mango







  • 正则表达式可帮助程序员验证文本字符串。
  • 它提供了功能强大的工具来分析和搜索模式以及修改文本字符串。
  • 通过使用正则表达式功能,可以提供简单的解决方案来识别模式。
  • 正则表达式有助于创建识别标签的HTML模板系统。
  • 正则表达式广泛用于浏览器检测,表单验证,垃圾邮件过滤和密码强度检查。
  • 它对用户输入验证测试(例如电子邮件地址,手机号码和IP地址)很有帮助。
  • 它有助于根据搜索结果或输入突出显示文件中的特殊关键字。
  • 元字符使我们可以创建更复杂的模式。



Operator Description
^ It indicates the start of string.
$ It indicates the end of the string.
. It donates any single character.
() It shows a group of expressions.
[] It finds a range of characters, e.g., [abc] means a, b, or c.
[^] It finds the characters which are not in range, e.g., [^xyz] means NOT x, y, or z.
It finds the range between the elements, e.g., [a-z] means a through z.
| It is a logical OR operator, which is used between the elements. E.g., a|b, which means either a OR b.
? It indicates zero or one of preceding character or element range.
* It indicates zero or more of preceding character or element range.
+ It indicates zero or more of preceding character or element range.
{n} It denotes at least n times of preceding character range. For example – n{3}
{n, } It denotes at least n, but it should not be more than m times, e.g., n{2,5} means 2 to 5 of n.
{n, m} It indicates at least n, but it should not be more than m times. For example – n{3,6} means 3 to 6 of n.
\ It denotes the escape character.


Special Character Description
\n It indicates a new line.
\r It indicates a carriage return.
\t It represents a tab.
\v It represents a vertical tab.
\f It represents a form feed.
\xxx It represents an octal character.
\xxh It denotes hexadecimal character hh.


  • POSIX正则表达式
  • PERL样式正则表达式






Expression Description
[0-9] It matches any decimal digit 0 to 9.
[a-z] It matches any lowercase character from a to z.
[A-Z] It matches any uppercase character from A to Z.
[a-Z] It matches any character from lowercase a to uppercase Z.




Expression Description
p+ It matches any string that contains atleast one p.
p* It matches any string that contains one or more p’s.
p? It matches any string that has zero or one p’s.
p{N} It matches any string that has a sequence of N p’s.
p{2,3} It matches any string that has a sequence of two or three p’s.
p{2, } It matches any string that contains atleast two p’s.
p$ It matches any string that contains p at the end of it.
^p It matches any string that has p at the start of it.

PHP Regexp POSIX函数


Function Description
ereg() It searches a string pattern inside another string and returns true if the pattern matches otherwise return false.
ereg_replace() It searches a string pattern inside the other string and replaces the matching text with the replacement string.
eregi() It searches for a pattern inside the other string and returns the length of matched string if found otherwise returns false. It is a case insensitive function.
eregi_replace() This function works same as ereg_replace() function. The only difference is that the search for pattern of this function is case insensitive.
split() The split() function divide the string into array.
spliti() It is similar to split() function as it also divides a string into array by regular expression.
Sql_regcase() It creates a regular expression for case insensitive match and returns a valid regular expression that will match string.

注意:请注意,以上功能在PHP 5.3.0中已弃用,在PHP 7.0.0中已删除。







Character Description
. Matches a single character
\s It matches a whitespace character like space, newline, tab.
\S Non-whitespace character
\d It matches any digit from 0 to 9.
\D Matches a non-digit character.
\w Matches for a word character such as – a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _
\W Matches a non-word character.
[aeiou] It matches any single character in the given set.
[^aeiou] It matches any single character except the given set.
(foo|baz|bar) Matches any of the alternatives specified.




Character Description
i Makes case insensitive search
m It specifies that if a string has a carriage return or newline characters, the $ and ^ operator will match against a newline boundary rather than a string boundary.
o Evaluates the expression only once
s It allows the use of .(dot) to match a newline character
x This modifier allows us to use whitespace in expression for clarity.
g It globally searches all matches.
cg It allows the search to continue even after the global match fails.

PHP Regexp POSIX函数


Function Description
preg_match() This function searches the pattern inside the string and returns true if the pattern exists otherwise returns false.
preg_match_all() This function matches all the occurrences of pattern in the string.
preg_replace() The preg_replace() function is similar to the ereg_replace() function, except that the regular expressions can be used in search and replace.
preg_split() This function exactly works like split() function except the condition is that it accepts regular expression as an input parameter for pattern. Mainly it divides the string by a regular expression.
preg_grep() The preg_grep() function finds all the elements of input_array and returns the array elements matched with regexp (relational expression) pattern.
preg_quote() Quote the regular expression characters.