📜  Coldfusion cfscript cflocation - Javascript (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:14:12.394000             🧑  作者: Mango

Coldfusion cfscript cflocation - Introduction

In this article, we will discuss the use of cflocation in ColdFusion with the cfscript tag and also explore its similarities and differences with JavaScript.

What is cflocation?

cflocation is a ColdFusion tag used for redirecting users to a different location. It is commonly used to redirect users to different pages or URLs based on certain conditions or events. It can be used to redirect within the same ColdFusion application or to an external URL.

cfscript Syntax

In ColdFusion, the cfscript tag is used to write script-based code within ColdFusion templates. It allows developers to write ColdFusion code using a syntax similar to JavaScript. Let's see how cflocation is used in cfscript syntax.

// Redirect to a different page within the same application
cflocation(url = "newPage.cfm");

// Redirect to an external URL
cflocation(url = "https://www.example.com", addToken = false);

// Redirect with additional parameters
cflocation(url = "newPage.cfm", addToken = true, statusCode = 302);

In the code snippet above, we can see how cflocation is used within cfscript. The url attribute is used to specify the destination URL or page name. Optionally, we can use the addToken attribute to add a security token to the URL and the statusCode attribute to specify the HTTP status code for redirection.

Comparison with JavaScript

While cflocation and JavaScript's window.location serve a similar purpose, there are a few differences to note. Here are some key differences:

  1. Syntax: In ColdFusion, cflocation is a ColdFusion tag and is used within cfscript tag. In JavaScript, window.location is an object that can be accessed directly.

  2. Event handling: In JavaScript, window.location can be used in response to events like button clicks or form submissions. In ColdFusion, cflocation is typically used within the server-side code to perform server-side redirects.

  3. Flexibility: JavaScript's window.location provides more flexibility for manipulating and modifying the current URL. It allows changes to the URL fragment, query parameters, and more. In ColdFusion, cflocation is mainly used for simple redirects, and advanced URL modifications need to be handled through other means.


In this article, we discussed the usage of cflocation in ColdFusion with cfscript tag and compared it with JavaScript's window.location. We learned how to use cflocation in cfscript syntax and explored some differences between the two. cflocation is a useful tool for redirecting users in ColdFusion applications, and knowing its capabilities and limitations can help developers in making the right choices.