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📜  python virtualenv - Shell-Bash (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:34:05.698000             🧑  作者: Mango

Python Virtualenv - Shell-Bash


As a programmer, you may have encountered a situation where you need to work on multiple projects with different dependencies. Managing these dependencies could be a challenging task, especially when they conflict with each other. Virtualenv is a tool that allows you to create isolated Python environments, each with its set of libraries and dependencies, making it easier to manage and organize your projects.

Virtualenv is a powerful tool that runs on both Windows and Unix-based operating systems. It requires Python to be installed on your system.


To install Virtualenv, you can use pip, the package installer for Python:

$ pip install virtualenv

Alternatively, you can download the source code and install it manually.


To create a new virtual environment, run the following command:

$ virtualenv <name>

Replace <name> with the name of your environment. This will create a new directory with the same name as your environment, containing all the necessary files and folders for your new environment.

To activate your virtual environment, run the following command:

$ source <name>/bin/activate

Replace <name> with the name of your environment. You should see the name of your environment appear in your command prompt. This is an indication that your environment is now active.

To install packages in your virtual environment, you can use pip, just like you would in a regular Python environment:

$ pip install <package>

To exit your virtual environment, simply run the following command:

$ deactivate

This will deactivate your environment and return you to your system's default Python environment.


Virtualenv is a powerful tool that makes it easier to manage dependencies for your Python projects. By creating isolated environments for each project, you can avoid conflicts and ensure that each project has access to the necessary dependencies. With Virtualenv, you can work on multiple projects without having to worry about dependency issues.