📜  tron (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:48:02.451000             🧑  作者: Mango

TRON: A Brief Introduction for Programmers

TRON is a decentralized blockchain that aims to create a global digital content and entertainment ecosystem. It uses blockchain technology to provide a platform for developers to build decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contracts, and allows users to access and interact with them on a trustless and transparent platform.

Key Features of TRON
  • High Scalability: TRON has a high transaction throughput and low latency, which allows for quick and efficient transactions.
  • Flexibility: TRON allows developers to create dApps and smart contracts in a variety of programming languages, including Solidity, Java, and C++.
  • Rich Functionality: TRON offers a wide range of functions and features, including voting, multi-signature support, and token creation.
  • Governance: TRON is governed by a decentralized community of users who collectively make decisions regarding the platform's development and management.
TRON in Action

Here is an example of how to interact with TRON using its API:

const TronWeb = require('tronweb');

const tronWeb = new TronWeb({
    fullNode: 'https://api.trongrid.io',
    solidityNode: 'https://api.trongrid.io',
    eventServer: 'https://api.trongrid.io',

const account = tronWeb.defaultAccount;
const transaction = await tronWeb.transactionBuilder.sendTrx(
const signedTransaction = await tronWeb.trx.sign(transaction, account.privateKey);
const result = await tronWeb.trx.sendRawTransaction(signedTransaction);

This code will create a transaction to send 10,000 TRX to the address 'TJukA9MyGRDyT7NqjZf4bgET2WbDHDZtTN', sign it with the account's private key, and then send it to the TRON network.


TRON is a powerful blockchain platform that offers a wide range of features and functions for developers and users alike. If you are interested in building decentralized applications or exploring the world of blockchain technology, TRON is definitely worth checking out!