📜  uytutyu - CSS (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:35:33.045000             🧑  作者: Mango

uytutyu - CSS

A lightweight CSS library for creating responsive and modern web designs.

uytutyu is a simple and easy-to-use CSS library that aims to simplify the process of creating responsive and modern web designs. It comes with a collection of pre-built styles and components that can be easily customized to match your desired look and feel.

  • Lightweight and easy to use.
  • Modern and responsive design.
  • Cross-browser compatible.
  • Fully customizable styles and components.
Getting Started

To get started with uytutyu, you can either download the CSS file and include it in your HTML document, or you can use the CDN.


You can download the latest version of uytutyu from the GitHub repository. Once downloaded, simply include the CSS file in your HTML document.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/uytutyu.css">

Alternatively, you can use the CDN to include uytutyu in your HTML document.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/uytutyu/uytutyu-css/dist/uytutyu.min.css">

Once you have included uytutyu in your HTML document, you can start using the predefined styles and components.


uytutyu comes with a collection of predefined classes that can be used to style HTML elements. Here is an example of how to use the .btn class to style a button.

<button class="btn">Click Me</button>

uytutyu also comes with a collection of predefined components that can be easily customized to match your desired look and feel. Here is an example of how to use the uytutyu-modal component to create a modal dialog.

<div class="uytutyu-modal">
  <div class="uytutyu-modal-content">
    <div class="uytutyu-modal-header">
      <h3 class="uytutyu-modal-title">Modal Title</h3>
      <button class="uytutyu-modal-close">&times;</button>
    <div class="uytutyu-modal-body">
      Modal Content

uytutyu was designed to be fully customizable. This means that you can easily modify the predefined styles and components to match your desired look and feel.


uytutyu defines a set of variables that can be used to customize the predefined styles. Here is an example of how to modify the default color variable.

:root {
  --uytutyu-color-primary: #ff0000;

uytutyu was built using Sass, which makes it easy to customize the styles and components. Simply modify the SCSS files and recompile to generate the CSS file.


uytutyu is a lightweight CSS library that makes it easy to create responsive and modern web designs. With its predefined styles and components, customization options, and easy-to-use classes, uytutyu is a great choice for any web developer looking to create beautiful websites.