📜  HTML JWB - Html (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:15:34.194000             🧑  作者: Mango


HTML JWB is a lightweight and easy-to-use HTML parser for Python. It provides a simple and flexible API for parsing and modifying HTML documents.

  • Simple and flexible API
  • Easy-to-use HTML parsing and manipulation tools
  • Support for both Python 2 and Python 3
  • Complete documentation and tutorials available online
  • Open source and free to use

You can install HTML JWB using pip.

pip install html-jwb

To get started with HTML JWB, you first need to import the HTML class from the package.

from html_jwb import HTML

You can then use the HTML class to parse a string containing HTML code.

html = HTML.from_string('<html><body><h1>Hello, World!</h1></body></html>')

You can manipulate the parsed HTML document using the methods provided by the HTML class. For example, to get the text of the first heading in the document, you can use the following code.

heading = html.xpath('//h1')[0].text

You can also modify the HTML document using the same API. For example, to add a new paragraph after the first heading, you can use the following code.

html.xpath('//h1')[0].addnext('<p>This is a new paragraph.</p>')

HTML JWB is a powerful and easy-to-use HTML parser for Python. Its simple and flexible API makes it easy to parse and manipulate HTML documents in your Python applications. With complete documentation and tutorials available online, it’s easy to get started with HTML JWB and start building your own HTML parsing and manipulation tools.