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📜  https: mongoosejs.com 文档 deprecations.html#findandmodify - Javascript (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:42:00.895000             🧑  作者: Mango

Mongoose Deprecations - findAndModify

Mongoose is a popular Object Data Modeling (ODM) tool for MongoDB in Node.js. Recently, the findAndModify method has been deprecated by MongoDB, and this deprecation has been passed on to Mongoose.

What is findAndModify?

findAndModify is a MongoDB method that performs an atomic update operation on a single document.

Why is it being deprecated?

The findAndModify command is being deprecated in favor of using findOneAndUpdate or updateOne. These methods offer more flexibility and better performance when working with MongoDB.

What does this mean for Mongoose developers?

If you are using findAndModify in your Mongoose application, you will need to update your code to use either findOneAndUpdate or updateOne.

Updating your Mongoose code

Here is an example of how to update your code to use findOneAndUpdate:

// Before
Model.findAndModify(query, { update: update }, callback);

// After
Model.findOneAndUpdate(query, update, callback);

And here is an example of how to update your code to use updateOne:

// Before
Model.findAndModify(query, { update: update }, callback);

// After
Model.updateOne(query, update, callback);

If you are a Mongoose developer, it is important to be aware of this deprecation and to update your code accordingly. By switching to findOneAndUpdate or updateOne, you can take advantage of the latest MongoDB features and ensure that your application is running efficiently and securely.