📜  https: ols.liu.edu.lb mod quiz rview.php (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:42:00.915000             🧑  作者: Mango

Introducing 'https://ols.liu.edu.lb/mod/quiz/review.php'


The 'https://ols.liu.edu.lb/mod/quiz/review.php' is a PHP script that is used to review quizzes on the Online Learning System of the Lebanese International University (LIU). This script allows students to access their completed quizzes and view the correct answers, feedback, and their own responses.

  1. Quiz Review: Users can view the questions, their answers, the correct answers, and feedback provided by the instructor.
  2. Multiple Attempts: In case the quiz allows multiple attempts, users can review their performance on each attempt separately.
  3. Details and Statistics: The script displays additional information such as the time taken for each attempt, scores, and grading details.
  4. User-Friendly Interface: The interface is designed to be intuitive and easy to navigate, allowing users to quickly review the quiz.

To use the 'https://ols.liu.edu.lb/mod/quiz/review.php' script, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Online Learning System of the Lebanese International University.
  2. Navigate to the specific course that contains the quiz you want to review.
  3. Look for the quiz in the course content or assessment section.
  4. Click on the quiz link to open it.
  5. Once the quiz is completed, click on the 'Review' button or link.
  6. The 'https://ols.liu.edu.lb/mod/quiz/review.php' script will be executed, displaying the quiz review page.
  7. Go through the questions, answers, correct answers, and feedback provided for each question.
Example API Request
GET /mod/quiz/review.php?quizid=123&attempt=1
Example API Response
# Quiz Review

## Question 1:
- Your Answer: Option A
- Correct Answer: Option B
- Feedback: Good attempt, but the correct answer is option B.

## Question 2:
- Your Answer:Option C
- Correct Answer: Option C
- Feedback: Correct!


## Statistics:
- Time Taken: 10 minutes
- Score: 80%
- Grading: Pass

## Additional Details:
- Attempt Number: 1
- Date: 2022-08-15

Please note that the provided examples are just for demonstration purposes. The actual quiz data and response format may vary based on the specific implementation of the 'https://ols.liu.edu.lb/mod/quiz/review.php' script.