📜  mynet speed (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:17:45.449000             🧑  作者: Mango

mynet speed


mynet speed is a powerful tool designed for measuring and analyzing network speed and performance. It provides a simple and efficient way for programmers to monitor and optimize their network connections. With mynet speed, you can easily measure the download and upload speeds, latency, packet loss, and other metrics of your network.

  1. Network Speed Test: mynet speed allows you to perform network speed tests to measure the download and upload speeds of your network connection. It provides accurate and reliable results to help you analyze and optimize your network performance.

  2. Latency Measurement: With mynet speed, you can measure the latency or ping of your network connection. It helps you identify any delays or bottlenecks in your network, ensuring smooth and efficient communication.

  3. Packet Loss Analysis: mynet speed provides packet loss analysis, allowing you to detect and diagnose any packet loss in your network. By identifying the lost packets, you can troubleshoot network issues and improve the reliability of your connection.

  4. Historical Data Tracking: mynet speed automatically tracks and stores the historical data of your network speed and performance. It allows you to analyze the trends, spot any anomalies, and determine the overall health of your network over time.

  5. Customizable Analytics: mynet speed offers customizable analytics and visualization options. You can display the network speed and performance metrics in charts, graphs, or tables, making it easier to interpret and share the results with your team or stakeholders.


To install mynet speed, use the following command in your terminal:

$ npm install mynet-speed

To use mynet speed in your Node.js application, import the module as follows:

const myNetSpeed = require('mynet-speed');
Network Speed Test

To perform a network speed test, use the testSpeed function:

  .then(result => {
    // Output: { downloadSpeed: 52.36, uploadSpeed: 21.75, unit: 'Mbps' }
  .catch(error => {
Latency Measurement

To measure the latency of your network connection, use the measureLatency function:

  .then(latency => {
    // Output: 15.34 ms
  .catch(error => {
Packet Loss Analysis

To analyze packet loss in your network, use the analyzePacketLoss function:

  .then(packetLoss => {
    // Output: 0.02%
  .catch(error => {

mynet speed is a versatile tool that provides comprehensive network speed and performance analysis for programmers. By using mynet speed, you can easily measure, analyze, and optimize your network connections, ensuring reliable and efficient communication.