📜  Lua OOP (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:17:27.395000             🧑  作者: Mango


Lua is a programming language known for its simplicity, flexibility, and speed. Although it is not renowned for its object-oriented programming (OOP) capabilities, Lua has features that make it capable of supporting OOP designs.

What is OOP?

OOP is a programming methodology that focuses on the use of objects to represent concepts, data, and behavior. In OOP, objects are created from classes, and each object has its own set of properties and methods. OOP is used widely in software engineering because it encourages modularity and code reuse.

Lua and OOP

Although Lua is not an OOP language, it provides features that can be used to create OOP designs. The most popular way to do OOP in Lua is to use tables to represent objects and functions to represent methods. This is called table-based OOP.

Table-based OOP in Lua

In table-based OOP, a table is used to represent an object. To create a new object, a table is initialized with the desired properties and methods. For example:

-- Define a class
Animal = { legs = 4 }

-- Define a method
function Animal:speak()
   print("I am an animal")

-- Create an object
cat = Animal
cat:speak() -- Output: I am an animal

In this example, Animal is defined as a class with a property legs and a method speak. An object cat is created by assigning a new instance of Animal.


Inheritance is the ability to create a new class that inherits the properties and methods of an existing class. In Lua, inheritance is accomplished through metatables. Metatables are special tables used to define the behavior of other tables.

To create a class that inherits from another class, we can set the metatable of the subclass to the superclass. For example:

-- Define a superclass
Animal = { legs = 4 }

function Animal:speak()
   print("I am an animal")

-- Define a subclass
-- Set the metatable to Animal
Cat = {}
setmetatable(Cat, Animal)

function Cat:speak()
   print("I am a cat")

-- Create an object
-- The object inherits from Animal
garfield = Cat
garfield:speak() -- Output: I am a cat
print(garfield.legs) -- Output: 4

In this example, Cat is defined as a subclass of Animal through a metatable. The Cat class also has a custom speak method that overrides the speak method of Animal.

The object garfield is created from the Cat class and inherits the properties and methods of Animal.

Encapsulation and Polymorphism

Encapsulation and polymorphism are other important concepts in OOP. Encapsulation is the ability to hide data and methods from other parts of the program. Polymorphism is the ability of objects to take multiple forms.

In Lua, encapsulation can be achieved by making certain properties and methods private. This is done by simply not exposing them outside of the object. Polymorphism can be achieved by creating different methods with the same name, allowing objects to take different forms when called.

-- Define a class
Animal = {}

-- Define a private variable
local hidden = "This is hidden"

-- Define a method
function Animal:speak()
   print("I am an animal")

-- Define a polymorphic method
function Animal:speak(name)
   print(name .. " says: I am an animal")

-- Create an object
cat = Animal
cat:speak() -- Output: I am an animal
cat:speak("Garfield") -- Output: Garfield says: I am an animal

In this example, hidden is a private variable that is not exposed outside of the object. The speak method is polymorphic because it can take a name parameter, allowing objects to take different forms when called.


Despite not being an OOP language, Lua provides features that can be used to create OOP designs. Table-based OOP is a popular way of doing OOP in Lua, although metatables and other features can also be used to accomplish more advanced OOP designs. Lua's simplicity and flexibility make it a great choice for developing OOP applications.