📜  DiscordUtils (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:30:28.212000             🧑  作者: Mango


DiscordUtils is a powerful Python library designed to simplify working with the Discord API. It offers an array of features to help programmers develop Discord bots quickly and easily.

  • Message Utils: A set of tools to easily create, update, delete, and react to messages.
  • Member Utils: A set of tools to handle member-related events and operations.
  • Voice Utils: A set of tools to manage voice channels, play audio, and more.
  • Embed Utils: A set of tools to create beautiful and informative embeds.
  • Utils: A set of miscellaneous utilities to simplify common Discord operations.

You can install DiscordUtils using pip:

pip install DiscordUtils

To use DiscordUtils, simply import the module and create a new instance of the desired utility class:

from DiscordUtils import MessageUtils

message_utils = MessageUtils(bot)

Then, you can call methods on the instance to perform actions such as sending messages:

message_utils.send_message(channel_id, "Hello, world!")

Or reacting to messages:

message_utils.react_to_message(message_id, "👍")

Check out the documentation for a full list of available methods and their parameters.


DiscordUtils is an incredibly useful library for any Python programmer looking to develop Discord bots. Its simple yet powerful API makes it easy to accomplish a wide range of tasks, from sending messages to playing audio in voice channels. Give it a try and see how it can simplify your bot development process!