📜  stl import c++ (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:05:22.454000             🧑  作者: Mango

STL Import C++


STL stands for Standard Template Library and is a powerful C++ library that provides a wide array of data structures and algorithms. It is a collection of classes and functions that provide reusable, generic code for handling commonly used data structures such as vectors, lists, maps, and sets.

By utilizing STL, programmers can focus on the implementation of their algorithms rather than the low-level details of memory management and data structure implementation. This leads to faster development times and fewer errors in code.

In this article, we will go over some of the most commonly used data structures and algorithms in STL.

Data Structures

A vector is a dynamic array that can grow and shrink at runtime. It is accessed using an index, and supports random access. To create a vector, the following code can be used:


std::vector<int> my_vector;

A list is a doubly linked list that can grow and shrink at runtime. It does not support random access, but it provides constant time insertion and deletion of elements. To create a list, the following code can be used:


std::list<int> my_list;

A map is an associative container that stores key-value pairs. It is implemented as a red-black tree, and provides logarithmic time complexity for operations such as insertion, deletion, and search. To create a map, the following code can be used:


std::map<std::string, int> my_map;

A set is an associative container that stores a sorted list of unique elements. It is implemented as a red-black tree, and provides logarithmic time complexity for operations such as insertion, deletion, and search. To create a set, the following code can be used:


std::set<int> my_set;

The sort algorithm sorts a container using a given comparison function. It has an average time complexity of O(n log n), but can be optimized for certain types of data. To sort a vector using the sort function, the following code can be used:


std::vector<int> my_vector;

std::sort(my_vector.begin(), my_vector.end());

The find algorithm searches a container for a specific element. It has a time complexity of O(n), but can be optimized for certain types of data. To find the first occurrence of an element in a vector using the find function, the following code can be used:


std::vector<int> my_vector;

auto result = std::find(my_vector.begin(), my_vector.end(), 42);

if(result != my_vector.end())
    std::cout<< "Element found at index " << std::distance(my_vector.begin(), result)<<std::endl;

The transform algorithm applies a given function to each element of a container and stores the result in another container. It has a time complexity of O(n), and can be used to perform complex operations on containers. To extract the square root of each element in a vector using the transform function, the following code can be used:


std::vector<int> my_vector;

std::vector<float> result(my_vector.size());

std::transform(my_vector.begin(), my_vector.end(), result.begin(), std::sqrt);

In this article, we have provided an introduction to some of the most commonly used data structures and algorithms in STL. By utilizing STL, programmers can write faster and more efficient code, without having to worry about low-level details. With the vast and powerful set of features provided by STL, it is an essential library for any C++ programmer to understand and utilize.