📜  AudioPlayerState.Playing Flutter - Dart (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:13:33.206000             🧑  作者: Mango

AudioPlayerState.Playing Flutter - Dart

The AudioPlayerState.Playing is one of the states that the audio_player package provides for playing audio in Flutter apps. Here's an overview of what it represents, how to use it, and some best practices to follow.

What is AudioPlayerState.Playing?

AudioPlayerState is an enum provided by the audio_player package for tracking the state of an audio player. The Playing state indicates that audio is currently being played back by the player.

When your audio player enters the Playing state, you can assume that:

  • The audio is actually playing (i.e., audio output is being produced)
  • The audio is being decoded as needed (i.e., the audio stream is being read and processed)
  • The audio is not paused or stopped
How to Use AudioPlayerState.Playing

The Playing state is one of many possible states your audio player could potentially enter. To handle this state (and others), you'll need to set up listeners for state changes.

To do so:

  1. Create an AudioPlayer instance, e.g.:

    final audioPlayer = AudioPlayer();
  2. Set up a state listener, e.g.:

    audioPlayer.onPlayerStateChanged.listen((AudioPlayerState state) {
      switch (state) {
        case AudioPlayerState.Playing:
          // Handle playback in progress
        case AudioPlayerState.Paused:
          // Handle playback paused
        case AudioPlayerState.Stopped:
          // Handle playback stopped
        case AudioPlayerState.completed:
          // Handle playback completed
  3. Handle audio playback logic based on the current state of the audio player.

By listening for state changes, you can respond to the audio player entering the Playing state (and other states) and take appropriate action in response.

Best Practices for Audio Playback in Flutter

When working with audio in Flutter, there are a few best practices you should be aware of to ensure you provide a good user experience:

  • Always show audio playback controls, so users can easily pause, stop or jump to specific positions in the audio stream.
  • Be mindful of app state management. Ensure your audio player and state listeners have access to the appropriate state management solutions (e.g. Provider or Bloc).
  • When possible, use local audio files, rather than streaming audio from the internet. This can reduce load times and avoid buffering issues for users.

AudioPlayerState.Playing is a key state to manage when building audio playback functionality in a Flutter app. By setting up state listeners and following best practices for audio playback in Flutter, you can ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for your app's users.