📜  BusyIndicator (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:39:36.556000             🧑  作者: Mango



BusyIndicator is a useful component for displaying a busy state or indicating that a process is ongoing in a software application. It provides visual feedback to users so that they know that an operation is in progress and they need to wait until it completes.


BusyIndicator can be used in various scenarios where long-running tasks are performed, such as:

  • Loading data from a remote server
  • Processing large amounts of data
  • Generating reports
  • Importing/exporting data
  • Performing complex calculations
Key Features
  1. Customizable appearance: BusyIndicator can be customized to match the application's visual style. It allows changing colors, size, animation style, and other properties to provide a consistent look and feel.

  2. Different indicators: It provides a range of pre-designed indicators like spinners, progress bars, or animated icons that can be used based on the context and user experience requirements.

  3. Support for different states: BusyIndicator supports different states like "busy", "idle", or "error". This allows developers to handle and display different feedback messages to users, depending on the current state of the process.

  4. Cancelable: In some cases, it might be necessary to cancel the ongoing operation. BusyIndicator can provide a cancel button or support cancelation events to let the user stop the task if needed.

  5. Accessibility support: BusyIndicator follows accessibility guidelines and provides support for assistive technologies. It ensures that users with disabilities can perceive and interact with the busy state information effectively.

Implementing BusyIndicator

Implementing the BusyIndicator component involves the following steps:

  1. Import BusyIndicator: Import the BusyIndicator component from the software library/framework you are using.

  2. Place BusyIndicator: Add the BusyIndicator component to the desired location in your application's user interface.

  3. Set properties: Customize the appearance and behavior of the BusyIndicator by setting properties such as indicator type, size, color, and state.

  4. Integrate with tasks: Connect the BusyIndicator with the relevant task or process to ensure it reflects the correct state and provides accurate feedback to the user.

Example code snippet:

Import BusyIndicator from 'myLibrary';


BusyIndicator is a helpful component for indicating a busy state in a software application. By using BusyIndicator, developers can provide better user experience by giving visual feedback and managing user expectations during long-running tasks.