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📜  chkbox 另一个活动 (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:14:08.443000             🧑  作者: Mango

Chkbox 另一个活动


In Android development, chkbox refers to the checkbox UI element that allows users to select multiple options from a list. In this tutorial, we will explore how to handle checkbox selections and navigate to another activity based on the selected options.


To follow along with this tutorial, you should have a basic understanding of Android development and have Android Studio installed on your system.

Step 1: Setting up the Project
  1. Open Android Studio and create a new project.
  2. Choose an appropriate name and package for your project.
  3. Select "Empty Activity" as the project template.
  4. Click on "Finish" to create the project.
  5. Wait for Android Studio to finish setting up the project.
Step 2: Designing the UI
  1. Open the activity_main.xml file located in the res/layout directory.
  2. Replace the existing content with the following code:
<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"

        android:text="Select your interests:"
        android:textStyle="bold" />

        android:text="Option 1"
        android:textSize="16sp" />

        android:text="Option 2"
        android:textSize="16sp" />

        android:text="Option 3"
        android:textSize="16sp" />

        android:text="Next" />

This XML code defines a simple layout with three checkboxes representing different options and a "Next" button.

Step 3: Implementing the Checkbox Selection
  1. Open the MainActivity.java file located in the java/[your_package_name] directory.
  2. Add the following code inside the onCreate() method:
CheckBox checkbox1 = findViewById(R.id.checkbox1);
CheckBox checkbox2 = findViewById(R.id.checkbox2);
CheckBox checkbox3 = findViewById(R.id.checkbox3);
Button nextButton = findViewById(R.id.nextButton);

nextButton.setOnClickListener(view -> {
    StringBuilder selectedOptions = new StringBuilder();
    if (checkbox1.isChecked()) {
        selectedOptions.append("Option 1\n");
    if (checkbox2.isChecked()) {
        selectedOptions.append("Option 2\n");
    if (checkbox3.isChecked()) {
        selectedOptions.append("Option 3\n");

    // Uncomment the following lines to navigate to another activity
    /*Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, AnotherActivity.class);
    intent.putExtra("selectedOptions", selectedOptions.toString());

In this code, we get references to the checkboxes and the "Next" button. When the button is clicked, we check the state of each checkbox and append the selected options to a StringBuilder object.

Step 4: Creating Another Activity
  1. Right-click on the package where your Java files are located.
  2. Go to "New" > "Activity" > "Empty Activity".
  3. Enter an appropriate name for the new activity (e.g., "AnotherActivity").
  4. Click on "Finish" to create the new activity.
Step 5: Retrieving the Selected Options in Another Activity
  1. Open the AnotherActivity.java file located in the java/[your_package_name] directory.
  2. Add the following code inside the onCreate() method:
Intent intent = getIntent();
String selectedOptions = intent.getStringExtra("selectedOptions");

TextView selectedOptionsTextView = findViewById(R.id.selectedOptionsTextView);

This code retrieves the selected options passed from the previous activity using an intent and displays them in a TextView with the id selectedOptionsTextView.

Step 6: Running the Application
  1. Connect your Android device to your computer or set up an Android Virtual Device (AVD).
  2. Click on the "Run" button in Android Studio to build and run the application.
  3. Select the checkboxes and click the "Next" button.
  4. Verify that the selected options are displayed correctly in the AnotherActivity screen.

Congratulations! You have successfully implemented checkbox selection and navigation to another activity based on the selected options in your Android application.

Please note that the code provided in this tutorial is a simplified version for demonstration purposes. You can customize and expand upon it as per your requirements.

For further information and advanced features related to checkbox handling and activities, please refer to the official Android documentation.


This tutorial covered the implementation of checkbox selection and navigation to another activity. It provided a step-by-step guide along with code snippets and XML layout. By following this tutorial, you should now have a good understanding of how to use checkboxes and pass data between activities in Android applications.

Remember to always refer to the official documentation and explore additional resources to enhance your knowledge and skills in Android development.