📜  powerset - Javascript (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:18:40.297000             🧑  作者: Mango

Powerset - Javascript

Powerset is a mathematical concept that refers to the set of all possible subsets of a given set. In programming, the term is commonly used to refer to the algorithm that generates all possible subsets of a given array.

In Javascript, there are several ways to implement the powerset algorithm. One common approach is to use recursion to generate all possible subsets.

Simple Recursive Approach
function powerset(array) {
  if (array.length === 0) {
    return [[]];

  let first = array[0];
  let rest = array.slice(1);

  let subsets = powerset(rest);

  return subsets.concat(subsets.map((set) => [first, ...set]));

The powerset function takes an array as an input and returns an array of all possible subsets.

The base case of the recursion is when the input array is empty, in which case the function returns an array containing an empty set.

For non-empty input arrays, the function recursively calculates the powerset of the rest of the array, and then adds the first element of the input array to each of the subsets generated by the recursive call.

The resulting subsets are concatenated to generate the final powerset.

Iterative Approach
function powerset(array) {
  let result = [[]];

  for (let element of array) {
    let subsets = [];

    for (let subset of result) {
      subsets.push([...subset, element]);


  return result;

The iterative approach generates the powerset of an array by iteratively adding each element to the existing subsets.

The function starts with an empty result array containing the empty subset, and then iterates through each element of the input array.

For each element, the function generates new subsets by adding the element to each of the subsets generated so far. These subsets are then added to the result array.

After iterating through all the elements of the input array, the function returns the complete powerset.


Powerset is a classic problem in computer science and has many useful applications in algorithms and data structures.

In Javascript, there are many ways to implement the powerset algorithm, including the simple recursive approach and the iterative approach.

By understanding the concept behind the powerset algorithm and these two common implementations, you can solve a wide variety of programming problems.