📜  react native metro api level 30 - Javascript(1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:46:56.864000             🧑  作者: Mango

React Native Metro API Level 30

React Native Metro API Level 30 is a set of tools for developing mobile applications using JavaScript and React Native. It provides a fast and efficient way to build native apps for iOS and Android.


React Native is a popular open-source mobile application framework developed by Facebook. It allows developers to build mobile applications for multiple platforms using a single codebase. The Metro bundler is a JavaScript bundler that is used by React Native to bundle and serve JavaScript code to the mobile client.

Metro API Level 30 has several improvements over the previous versions, including improved performance and more detailed logging. It also includes additional functionality like HMR (Hot Module Replacement) and better support for Android devices.

Fast and efficient bundling of JavaScript code

Metro API Level 30 provides a fast and efficient way to bundle and serve JavaScript code to the mobile client. It uses a Haste-based module system that enables fast incremental builds.

Improved performance

The latest version of the Metro bundler has improved performance, with faster startup times and lower memory usage. This makes building and running React Native applications faster and more efficient.

HMR (Hot Module Replacement)

HMR is a feature that allows React Native developers to make changes to their code and see the changes without having to reload the entire app. This greatly speeds up the development process and makes it easier to test new features.

Detailed logging

Metro API Level 30 has improved logging functionality, allowing developers to see more detailed information about the bundling process. This makes it easier to identify issues and troubleshoot problems.

Better support for Android devices

React Native has always had good support for iOS devices, but support for Android has been more limited. Metro API Level 30 includes several improvements to Android support, including better debugging and faster builds.


React Native Metro API Level 30 is a powerful tool for building mobile applications with JavaScript and React Native. With its improved performance, HMR functionality, and better support for Android devices, it is an excellent choice for developers looking to build high-quality mobile apps.