📜  Bootstrap Popover(1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:59:33.280000             🧑  作者: Mango

Bootstrap Popover


Bootstrap Popover is a popular feature of the Bootstrap framework that allows developers to display content in a small overlay on top of the current page. This feature is useful when designers want to display additional information or provide additional functionality without taking up valuable screen space.

The Bootstrap Popover is a dynamic element that can be triggered with a click or hover action. It can contain various types of content, including text, images, and even forms.

How it works

The Bootstrap Popover is implemented using JavaScript and CSS. To use the Popover, the developer simply needs to include the Bootstrap JavaScript and CSS files and add the necessary HTML markup.

The basic syntax for adding a Popover is as follows:

<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-toggle="popover" data-content="Popover content goes here.">Popover</button>

In this example, clicking or hovering over the "Popover" button will display the content specified in the data-content attribute.

Configuration options

The Bootstrap Popover offers a range of configuration options that enable developers to customize the appearance and behavior of the Popover. Some of the most common configuration options include:

  • placement: Specifies the position of the Popover. Options include top, bottom, left, and right.
  • trigger: Specifies the type of action that triggers the Popover. Options include click, hover, and focus.
  • title: Specifies the title of the Popover.
  • content: Specifies the content of the Popover.
  • html: Specifies whether the Popover content is HTML.

In summary, the Bootstrap Popover is a powerful feature of the Bootstrap framework that enables developers to display additional information and functionality in a small overlay on top of the current page. With its range of configuration options, the Popover is highly customizable and can be adapted to fit many different design requirements.