📜  koncemzem - Python (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:17:09.096000             🧑  作者: Mango

Koncemzem - Python


Koncemzem is a Python package for working with data from Olympic and Paralympic Games. It provides functionality to easily load, manipulate, and analyze data from various Olympic and Paralympic events. The name Koncemzem is a combination of the words "koniec" (end) and "zem" (world) in Polish, which symbolizes the end of the world records and the global nature of the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Getting Started

To use Koncemzem, you need to have Python 3.x installed on your computer. You can install Koncemzem by running the following command in your terminal:

pip install koncemzem

After installing Koncemzem, you can import the package as follows:

import koncemzem

Koncemzem provides several features for working with Olympic and Paralympic data. Some of the notable features are:

  • Load data: Koncemzem provides functions to load data from various Olympic and Paralympic events including Olympic Games and Paralympic Games.
  • Manipulate data: Koncemzem provides functions to manipulate data such as filtering, grouping, and aggregating data.
  • Analyze data: Koncemzem provides functions to analyze data such as calculating statistics, performing hypothesis tests, and creating visualizations.
Load Data

You can use the load_olympic_data function to load Olympic data as a Pandas DataFrame:

import koncemzem

data = koncemzem.load_olympic_data('summer', 2004)
Manipulate Data

You can use the filter_data function to filter data based on a certain condition:

import koncemzem

data = koncemzem.load_olympic_data('summer', 2004)
filtered_data = koncemzem.filter_data(data, 'Sport', 'Swimming')
Analyze Data

You can use the calculate_statistics function to calculate statistics such as mean and standard deviation:

import koncemzem

data = koncemzem.load_olympic_data('summer', 2004)
statistics = koncemzem.calculate_statistics(data, 'Weight')

Koncemzem is a useful Python package for working with data from Olympic and Paralympic Games. It provides several features for loading, manipulating, and analyzing data. If you're interested in analyzing data from Olympic and Paralympic events, you should definitely check out Koncemzem!