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📜  NameError: name 'optim' is not defined - 不管是什么(1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:44:32.811000             🧑  作者: Mango

Introducing NameError: name 'optim' is not defined

As a programmer, you may encounter an error message that says NameError: name 'optim' is not defined. This error occurs when you try to use a variable or module that has not been defined or imported.

What is optim?

optim is a module from the popular machine learning library PyTorch. It provides various optimization algorithms for training neural networks. You can use it to define an optimizer and specify the parameters that need to be optimized during training.

Causes of NameError: name 'optim' is not defined

There can be several reasons why you get the NameError: name 'optim' is not defined error message. Some of the common causes include:

  • The import statement for the optim module is missing in your code
  • The optim module is not installed in your Python environment
  • There is a typo in the name of the module or variable you are trying to use
How to fix NameError: name 'optim' is not defined

To fix this error message, you need to make sure that the optim module is imported in your code. You can import it using the following statement:

import torch.optim as optim

This statement imports the optim module from the PyTorch library and renames it as optim for convenience.

If you have already imported the optim module and are still getting the error message, make sure that you have spelled the name correctly and that the module is installed in your Python environment.


NameError: name 'optim' is not defined is a common error message that programmers encounter when working with Python and PyTorch. By understanding the causes of the error and how to fix it, you can save time and avoid frustration. Remember to always check your code for typos and make sure that you have imported the necessary modules before running your program.