套接字是网络上运行的两个程序之间双向通信链路的一个端点。套接字类用于表示客户端程序和服务器程序之间的连接。套接字编程,我们基本上是客户端-服务器编程,其中套接字用作它们之间的链接。我们需要导入 ' Java.net包在我们的程序中提供了两个类,即 Socket 类和 ServerSocket 类。 Socket 类实现连接的客户端,ServerSocket 类实现连接的服务器端。
为了创建套接字,之后需要使用 Socket 和 ServerSocket 类导入 ' Java.net ' 包,我们创建该类的对象。
- 服务器在一个众所周知的端口上打开一个 ServerSocket 并等待输入。
- 同时,客户端使用服务器的主机名和这个众所周知的端口地址打开一个(客户端)套接字。
- 它向服务器发送请求消息以初始化通信会话。
import java.net.Socket;
ServerSocket mySsocket= new ServerSocket(portnumber);
Note: The ServerSocket class takes a single parameter: Port number.
Here, the ServerSocket is created by passing it a specific port number to listen on.
import java.net.Socket;
Socket myCsocket= new Socket( address, portnumber);
Note: The Socket class takes the two parameters namely Address and the Port number.
This ask the server side for the IP address, and then it opens a socket to that server on that specified port.
示例 1:服务器端
// Java program for creating socket on Server-side
// Server program depicting creation of a socket
// at a specific port
// Importing majorly Socket and ServerSocket class
// from java.net package
import java.net.*;
// Class
public class GFG {
// Main driver method
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
// Try block to check for exceptions
try {
// Creating an object of ServerSocket class
// with the custom port number - 80
ServerSocket mySsocket = new ServerSocket(80);
// Display commands for better readability
System.out.println("Server started");
System.out.println("Waiting for a client ...");
// Here it will wait for any client which wants
// to get connected to this server
// Establishing a connection
// using accept() method()
Socket socket = mySsocket.accept();
// Display message
"Client accepted through the port number: "
+ mySsocket.getLocalPort());
// getLocalPort() function returning the port
// number which is being used
// Catch block to handle for exceptions
catch (Exception e) {
// Simply return/exit
// Java program for creating socket on Client-side
// Client program depicting creation of a socket
// at a specific port
// Importing majorly Socket and ServerSocket class
// from java.net package
import java.net.*;
// Class
public class GFG {
// Main driver method
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
// Try block to check for exceptions
try {
// Creating an object of Socket class where
// port number same as server side program
Socket myCsocket = new Socket("localhost", 80);
// creating client with local ip address
// port number as '80'
// Display message for better readability
System.out.println("Connected to Server");
// Catch block to handle exceptions
catch (Exception e) {
// Simply return and exit the program
Server started
Waiting for a client ...
Client accepted through the port number: 80
示例 2:客户端
// Java program for creating socket on Client-side
// Client program depicting creation of a socket
// at a specific port
// Importing majorly Socket and ServerSocket class
// from java.net package
import java.net.*;
// Class
public class GFG {
// Main driver method
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
// Try block to check for exceptions
try {
// Creating an object of Socket class where
// port number same as server side program
Socket myCsocket = new Socket("localhost", 80);
// creating client with local ip address
// port number as '80'
// Display message for better readability
System.out.println("Connected to Server");
// Catch block to handle exceptions
catch (Exception e) {
// Simply return and exit the program
Connected to Server