朱莉娅VS。 Python
Julia 是一种用于科学计算和数学编程的编程语言。 Julia 是 C 和Python的组合,这并不意味着它从字面上复制任何一种语言的任何功能。这种组合具有C的高执行速度和Python的灵活代码编写的特点。
Julia 是由麻省理工学院的 4 人团队开发的。它是一种高级、动态和开源的编程语言,用于统计计算和数据分析。 Julia 的构建主要是因为它的编程速度,与Python和 R 相比,它的执行速度要快得多。Julia 通过执行云计算和并行性等复杂任务来为大数据分析提供支持,这些任务在分析大数据中发挥着重要作用.
Python是一种编程语言,它的引入是为了让他们的程序员可以轻松地用更少的代码行来表达他们的概念。它由 Guido van Rossum 于 1991 年创建,并由Python软件基金会进一步开发。 Python是一种编程语言,可让您快速工作并更有效地集成系统。
以下是 Julia 和Python之间的一些主要区别:
Feature | Julia | Python |
Speed | Julia is much faster than Python as it has execution speed very close to that of C. | Python on the other hand is fast but is slower in comparison to C. |
Community | Julia being a new language holds a community of very small size, hence resources for solving doubts and problems are not much. | Python has been around for ages, and it has a very large community of programmers. So, it becomes much easier to get your problems resolved online. |
Code Conversion | Julia codes can easily be made by converting C or Python codes. | It is very difficult to make Python codes by converting C codes or the other way around. |
Array Indexing | Julia arrays are 1-indexed, i.e. arrays start with 1-n not 0-n. It might cause a problem with programmers having habit of using other languages. | Python arrays are 0-indexed. Generally, every language has 0-indexing for arrays. |
Libraries | Julia has limited libraries to work upon. However, it can interfere with libraries of C and Fortran to handle plots. | Python on the other hand has plenty of libraries, hence it becomes easier to perform multiple additional tasks. |
Dynamically Typed | Julia is dynamically typed language, it helps developers to create variables without specifying their types. Julia also provides a benefit of Static typing. | Python is also dynamically typed and helps in creation of variables without type declaration. It is different from Julia just because it is not statically typed. |