Java Java类设置 2
Java Java类设置 1
- PrintStream printf(Locale l, String format, Object... args) :一种使用指定格式字符串和参数将格式化字符串写入此输出流的便捷方法。
Syntax :public PrintStream printf(Locale l, String format, Object... args) Parameters: l - The locale to apply during formatting. If l is null then no localization is applied. format - A format string as described in Format string syntax args - Arguments referenced by the format specifiers in the format string. Returns: This output stream Throws: IllegalFormatException NullPointerException
//Java program to demonstrate printf method import*; import java.util.Locale; class PrintStreamDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { String s = "for"; // create printstream object PrintStream printStream = new PrintStream(System.out); // illustrating printf(Locale l, String format, Object... args) method printStream.printf(Locale.US, "Geeks%sGeeks", s); } }
Output: GeeksforGeeks
- PrintStream printf(String format, Object... args) :一种使用指定格式字符串和参数将格式化字符串写入此输出流的便捷方法。
Syntax :public PrintStream printf(String format, Object... args) Parameters: format - A format string as described in Format string syntax args - Arguments referenced by the format specifiers in the format string. Returns: This output stream Throws: IllegalFormatException NullPointerException
//Java program to demonstrate printf(String format, Object... args) method import*; public class PrintStreamDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { String s = "for"; // create printstream object PrintStream obj= new PrintStream(System.out); // illustrating printf(String format, Object... args) method obj.printf("Geeks%sGeeks", s); } }
Output: GeeksforGeeks
- void println():通过写入行分隔符字符串来终止当前行。
Syntax :public void println()
//Java program to demonstrate println() methods import; class PrintStreamDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { PrintStream obj = new PrintStream(System.out); //illustrating println(); obj.println("GeeksforGeeks"); } }
Output: GeeksforGeeks
- void println(boolean x):打印一个布尔值,然后终止该行。
Syntax :public void println(boolean x)
//Java program to demonstrate println(boolean) method import*; class PrintStreamDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { // create printstream object PrintStream obj = new PrintStream(System.out); //illustrating println(boolean) method obj.println(true); // flush the stream obj.flush(); } }
Output: true
- void println(char x):打印一个字符,然后终止该行。
Syntax :public void println(char x)
//Java program to demonstrate println(char x) method import*; public class PrintStreamDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { char c = 'g'; // create printstream object PrintStream obj = new PrintStream(System.out); // illustrating println(char x) obj.println(c); // flush the stream obj.flush(); } }
Output: g
- void println(char[] x):打印一个字符数组,然后终止该行。
Syntax :public void println(char[] x)
//Java program to demonstrate println(char[] x) method import*; public class PrintStreamDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { char[] c = {'G', 'E', 'E','K'}; // create printstream object PrintStream obj = new PrintStream(System.out); // illustrating println(char[] x) obj.println(c); // flush the stream obj.flush(); } }
Output: GEEK
- void println(double x):打印一个双精度然后终止该行。
Syntax :public void println(double x)
//Java program to demonstrate println(double x) method import*; public class PrintStreamDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { double c = 5.42762; // create printstream object PrintStream obj = new PrintStream(System.out); // illustrating println(double x) obj.println(c); // flush the stream obj.flush(); } }
- void println(float x):打印一个浮点数,然后终止该行。
Syntax :public void println(float x)
//Java program to demonstrate println(float x) method import*; public class PrintStreamDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { float c = 5.168502f; // create printstream object PrintStream obj = new PrintStream(System.out); // illustrating println(float x) obj.println(c); // flush the stream obj.flush(); } }
- void println(int x):打印一个整数,然后终止该行。
Syntax :public void println(boolean x)
//Java program to demonstrate println(int x) method import*; public class PrintStreamDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { int c = 5; // create printstream object PrintStream obj = new PrintStream(System.out); // illustrating println(int x) obj.println(c); // flush the stream obj.flush(); } }
- void println(long x):打印一个 long 然后终止该行。
Syntax :public void println(long x)
//Java program to demonstrate println(long x) method import*; public class PrintStreamDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { long c = 123456789l; try { // create printstream object PrintStream obj= new PrintStream(System.out); // illustrating println(long x) obj.println(c); // flush the stream obj.flush(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } }
- void println(Object x) :打印一个对象,然后终止该行。
Syntax :public void println(Object x)
//Java program to demonstrate println(Object x) method import*; public class PrintStreamDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { // create printstream object PrintStream obj = new PrintStream(System.out); //illustrating println(Object X) obj.println(obj); // flush the stream obj.flush(); } }
- void println(String x) :打印一个字符串,然后终止该行。
Syntax :public void println(boolean x)
import*; import*; //Java program to demonstrate println(String x) method public class PrintStreamDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { String c = "GeeksforGeeks"; // create printstream object PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(System.out); // illustrating println(String x) ps.println(c); // flush the stream ps.flush(); } }
- protected void setError() :将流的错误状态设置为 true。
Syntax :public void println(String x)
//Java program to demonstrate setError() method import*; public class PrintStreamDemo extends PrintStream { public PrintStreamDemo(OutputStream out) { super(out); } public static void main(String[] args) { byte c[] = {65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71}; // create printstream object PrintStreamDemo obj = new PrintStreamDemo(System.out); // illustrating write() method obj.write(c, 1, 3); // flush the stream obj.flush(); //illustrating setError() method obj.setError(); } }
- void write(byte[] buf, int off, int len) :从偏移量 off 开始的指定字节数组中写入 len 个字节到此流。
Syntax :public void write(byte[] buf, int off, int len) Overrides: write in class FilterOutputStream Parameters: buf - A byte array off - Offset from which to start taking bytes len - Number of bytes to write
//Java program to demonstrate write(int b) method import*; public class PrintStreamDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { byte c = 65; // create printstream object PrintStream obj = new PrintStream(System.out); //illustrating write(int b) obj.write(c); // flush the stream obj.flush(); } }
- void write(int b) :将指定的字节写入此流。
Syntax :public void write(int b) Overrides: write in class FilterOutputStream Parameters: b - The byte to be written
//Java program to demonstrate write(int b) method import*; public class PrintStreamDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { byte c = 65; // create printstream object PrintStream obj = new PrintStream(System.out); //illustrating write(int b) obj.write(c); // flush the stream obj.flush(); } }