📜  如何在 TypeScript 中使用 getter/setter?

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:56:27.945000             🧑  作者: Mango

如何在 TypeScript 中使用 getter/setter?

在 TypeScript 中,有两种受支持的方法 getter 和 setter 来访问和设置类成员。在这篇非常简短的文章中,我将向您展示 Typescript 访问器,其中包括 getters/setters 方法。

实际上,getter 和 setter 只不过是您提供对对象属性的访问的一种方式。与其他 OOP 语言(如Java、C++ 等)不同,您只能通过 getter 或 setter 方法访问变量,但在 Typescript 中的工作方式有所不同,您可以直接访问变量(在下面的示例中给出)。这称为 TypeScript 访问器。

Typescript 访问器属性的方法:

  • getter:当您想要访问对象的任何属性时,就会出现此方法。 getter 也称为访问器。
  • setter:当你想改变一个对象的任何属性时,这个方法就会出现。 setter 也称为 mutator。

下面给出的代码是一个具有 3 个属性的学生类:名称、学期和课程。

class Student {
    public name: string;
    public semester: number;
    public course: string;


let student = new Student();

// You can access Student class variables directly
Student.name = "Aman Rathod";


注意:对于提取变量的值,getter 访问器属性是常规方法。它由对象字面量量中的 get 关键字表示。 getter 可以是公共的、受保护的、私有的。


get accessName() {  
    // getter, the code executed on 
    // getting obj.accessName  


class Student {
    private _name: string = "Aman Rathod";
    private _semester: number;
    private _course: string;
    // Getter method to return name of
    // Student class
    public get name() {
        return this._name;
// Access any property of the Student class
let student = new Student();
// Getter call
let value = student.name;

class Student {
    private _name: string = "Aman Rathod";
    private _semester: number;
    private _course: string;
    // Getter method to return name
    // of Student class
    public get name() {
        return this._name;
    // Setter method to set the semester number
    public set semester(thesem: number) {
        this._semester = thesem;
    // Setter method
    public set course(thecourse: string) {
        this._course = thecourse;
// Access any property of the Student class
let student = new Student();
// Setter call
student.semester = 5;
student.course = "Web Development";

class Student {    
    private _name: string = "Aman Rathod";
    private _semester: number;
    private _course: string;
    // Suppose the only 1st to 8th-semester students
    // are allowed to purchase the courses.
    public set semester( thesem: number ) {
        if( thesem < 1 || thesem > 8 ){
            throw new Error(
'Sorry, this course is valid for students from 1st to 8th semester');
        this._semester = thesem;
// Access any property of the Student class
let student = new Student();
// setter call
student.semester = 9;

class Student {
    name: string;
    semester: number;
    course: string;
    constructor(nm: string, sm: number, cs: string) {
        this.name = nm;
        this.semester = sm;
        this.course = cs;
    // Getter method 
    public get courses() {
        return this.course;
    public set courses( thecourse: string) {
        this.course = thecourse;
// Access any property of the Student class, 
let student = new Student("Aman Rathod", 4, "Web Development" ); 
// Setter call
student.course = "Data structure";
// Getter call
console.log("Course purchased is " + student.courses);


Aman Rathod

从上面的示例中您可以观察到,当我们调用 getter 方法 (student.name) 时,我们没有像使用常规函数那样包含开括号和闭括号。因此,您可以直接访问变量。

Setter 方法:为了更新变量的值,setter 访问器属性是使用的常规方法。它们由对象字面量量中的 set 关键字表示。


set accessName(value) {  

    // The code executed on setting 
    // obj.accessName = value, from setter  



class Student {
    private _name: string = "Aman Rathod";
    private _semester: number;
    private _course: string;
    // Getter method to return name
    // of Student class
    public get name() {
        return this._name;
    // Setter method to set the semester number
    public set semester(thesem: number) {
        this._semester = thesem;
    // Setter method
    public set course(thecourse: string) {
        this._course = thecourse;
// Access any property of the Student class
let student = new Student();
// Setter call
student.semester = 5;
student.course = "Web Development";

从上面的示例中,您还可以注意到对 setter 方法的调用不像常规方法那样带有括号。当您调用 student.semester 或 student.course 时,将调用学期或课程设置器方法并分配值。

处理错误:您还可以在 setter 方法中添加条件,如果条件无效,则会引发错误。让我们通过下面的例子来理解。


class Student {    
    private _name: string = "Aman Rathod";
    private _semester: number;
    private _course: string;
    // Suppose the only 1st to 8th-semester students
    // are allowed to purchase the courses.
    public set semester( thesem: number ) {
        if( thesem < 1 || thesem > 8 ){
            throw new Error(
'Sorry, this course is valid for students from 1st to 8th semester');
        this._semester = thesem;
// Access any property of the Student class
let student = new Student();
// setter call
student.semester = 9;


构造函数:现在让我们讨论使用构造函数的 Getter 和 Setter 方法。实际上,在类中使用或不使用构造函数来访问 getter 或 setter 方法没有区别,但我们只是想忽略 TypeScript 中的构造函数。



class Student {
    name: string;
    semester: number;
    course: string;
    constructor(nm: string, sm: number, cs: string) {
        this.name = nm;
        this.semester = sm;
        this.course = cs;
    // Getter method 
    public get courses() {
        return this.course;
    public set courses( thecourse: string) {
        this.course = thecourse;
// Access any property of the Student class, 
let student = new Student("Aman Rathod", 4, "Web Development" ); 
// Setter call
student.course = "Data structure";
// Getter call
console.log("Course purchased is " + student.courses);
