Python中的 numpy.put()
numpy.put()函数用给定的 p_array 值替换数组的特定元素。数组索引适用于扁平数组。
Syntax: numpy.put(array, indices, p_array, mode = 'raise')
参数 :
array : array_like, target array
indices : index of the values to be fetched
p_array : array_like, values to be placed in target array
mode : [{‘raise’, ‘wrap’, ‘clip’}, optional] mentions how out-of-bound indices will behave
raise : [default]raise an error
wrap : wrap around
clip : clip to the range
# Python Program explaining
# numpy.put()
import numpy as geek
a = geek.arange(5)
geek.put(a, [0, 2], [-44, -55])
print("After put : \n", a)
# Python Program explaining
# numpy.put()
import numpy as geek
a = geek.arange(5)
geek.put(a, 22, -5, mode='clip')
print("After put : \n", a)
输出 :
After put :
[-44, 1, -55, 3, 4]
# Python Program explaining
# numpy.put()
import numpy as geek
a = geek.arange(5)
geek.put(a, 22, -5, mode='clip')
print("After put : \n", a)
输出 :
array([ 0, 1, 2, 3, -5])
笔记 :
这些代码不会在在线 IDE 上运行。因此,请在您的系统上运行它们以探索其工作原理。