在 OpenCV 中向图像添加文本的Java程序
OpenCV是用于计算机视觉、图像处理和机器学习的跨平台开源库。它现在在实时操作中起着重要作用,它改进了模块为图像处理提供足够的功能。它具有 C++、C、 Python和Java接口,并支持 Windows、Linux、macOS、iOS和 Android。通过使用它,人们甚至可以处理图像和视频以识别物体、面孔,甚至是人类的笔迹
这里, putText()是一个内置方法,在从下面给出的Java程序中的相应模块导入此方法后,将使用该方法。
import org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc;
putText(image, text, org, fontType, fontSize, color, thickness)
参数:Datatype of parameters Name of parameter Functionalities Mat object image Text to be added to an input image object String text Text to be inserted to an input image Point (tuple) org Coordinates of the bottom left corner of a text string in the image Integer fontType Depicting the style of fonts Double fontSize Size of text to be added over an input image Scalar color Color of the text string to be drawn over an input image Integer thickness The thickness of the line in the unit, by default it is unity
实现:输入图像如下是随机拍摄的。现在文本-“GFG IS COOL”将添加到该图像上。
// Importing all OpenCV files
import org.opencv.*;
import org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc;
public class GFG {
// Main driver code
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception
// Loading the OpenCV core library
// Reading the contents of the image
// from local computer directory
String src = "D:\\InputImage.jpg";
// Creating a Mat object
Mat image = Imgcodecs.imread(src);
// Text to be added
String text = "GFG IS COOL";
// Points from where text should be added
Point org = new Point(170, 280);
// Color of the text
Scalar color = new Scalar(0, 0, 255);
// Fonttype of the text to be added
int fontType = Imgproc.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN;
// Fontsize of the text to be added
int fontSze = 1;
// Thickness of the lines in px
int thickness = 3;
// Adding text to the image using putText method
Imgproc.putText(image, text, org, fontType,
fontSize, color, thickness);
// Displaying the Image after adding the Text
HighGui.imshow("", image);
// Waiting for a key event to delay