对于整数部分,继续将数字除以 8 并记下余数,直到被除数小于 8 并将所有余数复制在一起。
对于小数部分,继续将小数部分乘以 8,直到并且除非我们得到 0 作为小数部分。第一次相乘后,记下整数部分,然后再次将新值的小数部分乘以 8,并继续这样做,直到达到完美数字。
Above steps can be written as : Now, to get the octal of the decimal number 7.16, merge the two octal results. (0.16)10 = (0.1217...)87(base 10) = 7(base 8) and .16(base 10) = .1217(base 8)
(7)10 = (7)8
So, (7.16)10 = (7.1217...)8
or, (7.16)10 = (7.1217)8 (approx. value)
# Python3 program to demonstrate
# octal type conversion
# Function returns the octal representation
# of the value passed as parameters. 'number'
# is floating point decimal number and 'places'
# is the number of decimal places
def float_octal(number, places = 3):
# split() separates whole number and decimal
# part and stores it in two separate variables
whole, dec = str(number).split(".")
# Convert both whole number and decimal
# part from string type to integer type
whole = int(whole)
dec = int (dec)
# Convert the whole number part to it's
# respective octal form and remove the
# "0o" from it.
res = oct(whole).lstrip("0o") + "."
# Iterate the number of times we want
# the number of decimal places to be
for x in range(places):
# Multiply the decimal value by 8 and separate
# the whole number part and decimal part
whole, dec = str((decimal_converter(dec)) * 8).split(".")
# Convert the decimal part
# to integer again
dec = int(dec)
# keep adding the integer parts
# received to the result variable
res += whole
return res
# Function converts the value passed as
# parameter to it's respective decimal
# representation
def decimal_converter(num):
while num > 1:
num /= 10
return num
# Driver Code
# Take the user input for
# the floating point number
n = input("Enter your floating point value : \n")
# Take user input for the number of decimal
# places user would like the result as
p = int(input("Enter the number of decimal places of the result : \n"))
print(float_octal(n, places = p))
输出 :
Enter your floating point value :
Enter the number of decimal places of the result :
Enter your floating point value :
Enter the number of decimal places of the result :