- 二进制数 - 以 2 为底
- 八进制数 - 以 8 为基数
- 十进制数 - 以 10 为底
- 十六进制数 - 以 16 为基数
以 10 为基数的数字系统称为十进制数系统。十进制数由以下数字组成:0、1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9。
八进制数字系统是一个以 3 为基数的数字系统,它使用从 0 到 7 的 8 位数字(即 0、1、2、3、4、5、6、7)来表示一个数字。例如:01、17 等。
第 1 步:将给定的十进制数除以 8,求余数 (Ri)。
步骤 2:现在将上述步骤中获得的商 (Qi) 除以 8,求余数。
步骤 3:重复上述步骤 1 和 2,直到获得 0 作为商。
第 4 步:按以下方式记下余数:先写最后一个余数,然后按相反顺序写下余数 (Rn, R(n – 1) .... R1)。因此将获得给定十进制数的二进制转换。
问题 1:使用十进制到八进制的公式,将十进制转换为八进制数。
Using decimal to Octal formula,
Step 1: Divide the number 10 by 8, find the remainder:
10 ÷ 8 gives Q1 = 1, R1 = 2
Step 2: Divide Q1 by 2, find the remainder:
1 ÷ 8 gives Q2 = 0, R2 = 1
Step 3: Write down the remainder in the following manner: the last remainder is written first, followed by the rest in the reverse order (Rn, R(n – 1) …. R1), this is the Octal conversion of the given decimal number: 12
Answer: Hence, 10 as Octal is 12.
问题 2:使用十进制到八进制的公式,将十进制的 13 转换为八进制数。
Using decimal to Octal formula,
Step 1: Divide the number 13 by 8, find the remainder.
13 ÷ 8 gives Q1 = 1, R1 = 5
Step 2: Divide Q1 by 2, find the remainder.
1 ÷ 8 gives Q2 = 0, R2 = 1
Step 3: Write down the remainder in the following manner: the last remainder is written first, followed by the rest in the reverse order (Rn, R(n – 1) …. R1), this is the Octal conversion of the given decimal number: 15
Answer: Hence, 13 as Octal is 15
问题 3:使用十进制到八进制的公式,将 4 个十进制转换为八进制数。
Using decimal to Octal formula,
Step 1: Divide the number 4 by 8, find the remainder.
4 ÷ 8 gives Q1 = 0, R1 = 4
Step 2: Write down the remainder in the following manner: the last remainder is written first, followed by the rest in the reverse order (Rn, R(n – 1) …. R1), this is the Octal conversion of the given decimal number: 4
Answer: Hence, 4 as Octal is 4.
问题 4:使用十进制到八进制的公式,将 5 个十进制转换为八进制数。
Using decimal to Octal formula,
Step 1: Divide the number by 5, find the remainder.
5 ÷ 8 gives Q1 = 0, R1 = 5
Step 2: Write down the remainder in the following manner: the last remainder is written first, followed by the rest in the reverse order (Rn, R(n – 1) …. R1), this is the Octal conversion of the given decimal number: 5
Answer: Hence, 5 as Octal is 5
问题 5:使用十进制到八进制的公式,将十进制的 16 转换为八进制数。
Using decimal to Octal formula,
Step 1: Divide the number by 16, find the remainder.
16 ÷ 8 gives Q1 = 2, R1 = 0
Step 2: Divide Q1 by 2, find the remainder.
2 ÷ 8 gives Q2 = 0, R2 = 2
Step 3: Write down the remainder in the following manner: the last remainder is written first, followed by the rest in the reverse order (Rn, R(n – 1) …. R1), this is the Octal conversion of the given decimal number: 20
Answer: Hence, 16 as Octal is 20
问题 6:使用十进制到八进制的公式,将十进制的 127 转换为八进制数。
Using decimal to Octal formula,
Step 1: Divide the number by 127, find the remainder.
127 ÷ 8 gives Q1 = 15, R1 = 7
Step 2: Divide Q1 by 2, find the remainder.
15 ÷ 8 gives Q2 = 1, R2 = 7
Step 3: Divide Q2 by 2, find the remainder.
1 ÷ 8 gives Q3 = 0, R3 = 1
Step 4: Write down the remainder in the following manner: the last remainder is written first, followed by the rest in the reverse order (Rn, R(n – 1) …. R1), this is the Octal conversion of the given decimal number: 177
Answer: Hence, 127 as Octal is 177.
问题 7:使用十进制转八进制公式,将十进制 88 转换为八进制数。
Using decimal to Octal formula,
Step 1: Divide the number by 88, find the remainder.
88 ÷ 8 gives Q1 = 11, R1 = 0
Step 2: Divide Q1 by 2, find the remainder.
11 ÷ 8 gives Q2 = 1, R2 = 3
Step 3: Divide Q2 by 2, find the remainder.
1 ÷ 8 gives Q3 = 0, R3 = 1
Step 4: Write down the remainder in the following manner: the last remainder is written first, followed by the rest in the reverse order (Rn, R(n – 1) …. R1), this is the Octal conversion of the given decimal number: 130
Answer: Hence, 88 as Octal is 130