简介和 IPv4 数据报头
网络层是 OSI 模型中的第三层(从底部开始)。网络层涉及跨多个网络的数据包传递。网络层被认为是 OSI 模型的骨干。它选择和管理节点之间数据传输的最佳逻辑路径。这一层包含了路由器、网桥、防火墙和交换机等硬件设备,但它实际上创建了最有效的通信路由的逻辑映像,并用物理介质来实现它。网络层协议存在于每个主机或路由器中。路由器检查通过它的所有 IP 数据包的标头字段。 Internet 协议和 Netware IPX/SPX 是与网络层相关的最常见的协议。
在 OSI 模型中,网络层响应来自其上层(传输层)的请求,并向其下层(数据链路层)发出请求。
Packet forwarding/Routing of packets: Relaying of data packets from one network segment to another by nodes in a computer network
Connectionless communication(IP): A data transmission method used in packet-switched networks in which each data unit is separately addressed and routed based on information carried by it
Fragmentation of data packets: Splitting of data packets that are too large to be transmitted on the network
IPv4 是用于分组交换网络的无连接协议。它以尽力而为的交付模式运行,其中既不能保证交付,也不能保证正确的排序或避免重复交付。 Internet 协议第 4 版 (IPv4) 是 Internet 协议的第四版,是不同类型网络上数据通信中广泛使用的协议。 IPv4 是一种用于包交换层网络(如以太网)的无连接协议。它通过为每个设备提供标识来提供网络设备之间的逻辑连接。有多种方法可以为各种设备配置 IPv4,包括手动和自动配置,具体取决于网络类型。
IPv4 在 IETF 出版物 RFC 791 中定义和指定。
IPv4 使用 32 位地址进行五类以太网通信:A、B、C、D 和 E。A、B 和 C 类具有不同的位长来寻址网络主机。 D 类地址保留用于军事目的,而 E 类地址保留供将来使用。
IPv4 使用 32 位(4 字节)寻址,它提供 2个 32地址。 IPv4 地址以点十进制表示法编写,它由地址的四个八位字节组成,分别以十进制表示并用句点分隔,例如。
IPv4 数据报头
标头的大小为 20 到 60 个字节。
VERSION: Version of the IP protocol (4 bits), which is 4 for IPv4
HLEN: IP header length (4 bits), which is the number of 32 bit words in the header. The minimum value for this field is 5 and the maximum is 15.
Type of service: Low Delay, High Throughput, Reliability (8 bits)
Total Length: Length of header + Data (16 bits), which has a minimum value 20 bytes and the maximum is 65,535 bytes.
Identification: Unique Packet Id for identifying the group of fragments of a single IP datagram (16 bits)
Flags: 3 flags of 1 bit each : reserved bit (must be zero), do not fragment flag, more fragments flag (same order)
Fragment Offset: Represents the number of Data Bytes ahead of the particular fragment in the particular Datagram. Specified in terms of number of 8 bytes, which has the maximum value of 65,528 bytes.
Time to live: Datagram’s lifetime (8 bits), It prevents the datagram to loop through the network by restricting the number of Hops taken by a Packet before delivering to the Destination.
Protocol: Name of the protocol to which the data is to be passed (8 bits)
Header Checksum: 16 bits header checksum for checking errors in the datagram header
Source IP address: 32 bits IP address of the sender
Destination IP address: 32 bits IP address of the receiver
Option: Optional information such as source route, record route. Used by the Network administrator to check whether a path is working or not.
由于选项的存在,数据报头的大小可以是可变长度(20 字节到 60 字节)。
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