SQL |像
有时我们可能需要数据库中匹配某些模式的元组。例如,我们可能希望检索元组以字母“y”开头的所有列,或者以“b”开头并以“l”结尾的所有列,或者更复杂和限制性更强的字符串模式。这就是 LIKE 子句的用武之地,通常与 SQL 中的 WHERE 子句结合使用。
- %:用于匹配零个或多个字符。 (可变长度)
- _:用于匹配一个字符。 (固定长度)
以下是使用 LIKE 子句进行模式匹配的规则:
Pattern | Meaning |
‘a%’ | Match strings which start with ‘a’ |
‘%a’ | Match strings with end with ‘a’ |
‘a%t’ | Match strings which contain the start with ‘a’ and end with ‘t’. |
‘%wow%’ | Match strings which contain the substring ‘wow’ in them at any position. |
‘_wow%’ | Match strings which contain the substring ‘wow’ in them at the second position. |
‘_a%’ | Match strings which contain ‘a’ at the second position. |
‘a_ _%’ | Match strings which start with ‘a’ and contain at least 2 more characters. |
假设我们有关系,供应商。我们想使用 LIKE 子句测试各种模式:
SupplierID | Name | Address |
S1 | Paragon Suppliers | 21-3, Okhla, Delhi |
S2 | Mango Nation | 21, Faridabad, Haryana |
S3 | Canadian Biz | 6/7, Okhla Phase II, Delhi |
S4 | Caravan Traders | 2-A, Pitampura, Delhi |
S5 | Harish and Sons | Gurgaon, NCR |
S6 | Om Suppliers | 2/1, Faridabad, Haryana |
SELECT SupplierID, Name, Address
FROM Suppliers
WHERE Name LIKE 'Ca%';
S3 | Canadian Biz | 6/7, Okhla Phase II, Delhi |
S4 | Caravan Traders | 2-A, Pitampura, Delhi |
FROM Suppliers
WHERE Address LIKE '%Okhla%';
S1 | Paragon Suppliers | 21-3, Okhla, Delhi |
S3 | Canadian Biz | 6/7, Okhla Phase II, Delhi |
SELECT SupplierID, Name, Address
FROM Suppliers
WHERE Name LIKE '_ango%';
S2 | Mango Nation | 21, Faridabad, Haryana |
应用: LIKE运算符在地址过滤等情况下非常机智,在这种情况下,我们只知道整个地址的一部分或一部分(例如位置或城市),并希望基于此检索结果。可以根据需要充分利用通配符来产生更好和更多过滤的元组。