Python中的 Matplotlib.axes.Axes.indicate_inset()
Matplotlib是Python中的一个库,它是 NumPy 库的数值数学扩展。 Axes 类包含大部分图形元素:Axis、Tick、Line2D、Text、Polygon 等,并设置坐标系。 Axes 的实例通过回调属性支持回调。
matplotlib 库的 axes 模块中的Axes.indicate_inset()函数也用于向轴添加插入指示符。
Syntax: Axes.indicate_inset(self, bounds, inset_ax=None, *, transform=None, facecolor=’none’, edgecolor=’0.5′, alpha=0.5, zorder=4.99, **kwargs)
Parameters: This method accept the following parameters that are described below:
- bounds: This parameter is the Lower-left corner of rectangle to be marked and its width and height.[x0, y0, width, height]
- transform: This parameter is the units of rect are in axes-relative coordinates.
- zorder: This parameter contains the number and its default value is 5.
- inset_ax: This parameter ia an optional inset axes to draw connecting lines to.
- facecolor: This parameter is used to insert the facecolor of the rectangle.
- edgecolor: This parameter is the color of the rectangle and color of the connecting lines.
- alpha: This parameter represents the transparency of the rectangle and connector lines.
Returns: This method returns the the following:
- rectangle_patch : This return the indicator frame.
- connector_lines: This return the four connector lines connecting to (lower_left, upper_left, lower_right upper_right) corners of inset_ax.
注意:此函数适用于 Matplotlib 版本 >= 3.0
下面的示例说明了 matplotlib.axes 中的 matplotlib.axes.Axes.indicate_inset()函数:
示例 1:
# Implementation of matplotlib function
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
axin1 = ax.indicate_inset([0.8, 0.1, 0.5, 0.5])
axin2 = ax.indicate_inset(
[5, 7, 2.3, 2.3], transform = ax.transData)
ax.set_title('matplotlib.axes.Axes.indicate_inset() Example',
fontsize = 14, fontweight ='bold')
示例 2:
# Implementation of matplotlib function
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def geeks():
from matplotlib.cbook import get_sample_data
import numpy as np
f = get_sample_data("axes_grid/bivariate_normal.npy",
asfileobj = False)
z = np.load(f)
return z, (-3, 4, -4, 3)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(range(-3, 5), range(-4, 4))
X, extent = geeks()
Z2 = np.zeros([150, 150], dtype ="g")
ny, nx = X.shape
Z2[30:30 + ny, 30:30 + nx] = X
ax.imshow(Z2**3 + 100, extent = extent,
interpolation ="nearest",
origin ="lower", cmap ="Greens")
axins, axins1 = ax.indicate_inset([-1.5, -2.5, 0.8, 0.8])
ax.set_title('matplotlib.axes.Axes.indicate_inset() Example',
fontsize = 14, fontweight ='bold')