📜  Java Java () 方法

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:55:05.217000             🧑  作者: Mango

Java Java () 方法

下面是Java中ArrayList的 add() 方法:

  1. boolean add(Object o) :此方法将指定元素附加到此列表的末尾。
    object o: The element to be appended to this list.
    Exception: NA
    // Java code to illustrate add(Object o)
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class ArrayListDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args)
            // create an empty array list with an initial capacity
            ArrayList arrlist = new ArrayList(5);
            // use add() method to add elements in the list
            // prints all the elements available in list
            for (Integer number : arrlist) {
                System.out.println("Number = " + number);


    Number = 15
    Number = 20
    Number = 25
  2. void add(int index, Object element) :此方法在此列表中的指定位置插入指定元素 E。它将当前位于该位置的元素(如果有)和任何后续元素向右移动(将在其上添加一个指数)。
    index : The index at which the specified element is to be inserted.
    element : The element to be inserted.
    Throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the specified
    index is out of range (index  size()).
    // Java code to illustrate
    // void add(int index, Object element)
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class ArrayListDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args)
            // create an empty array list with an initial capacity
            ArrayList arrlist = new ArrayList(5);
            // use add() method to add elements in the list
            // adding element 35 at fourth position
            arrlist.add(3, 35);
            // let us print all the elements available in list
            for (Integer number : arrlist) {
                System.out.println("Number = " + number);


    Number = 10
    Number = 22
    Number = 30
    Number = 35
    Number = 40