温度是一个物理参数,表明某物有多热或多冷。它尤其适用于计算物品中粒子的平均动能。这是一种与运动有关的能量形式。但有人怎么知道它有多热,多冷呢? “热”和“冷”这两个词本质上是不科学的。在描述某物有多热或多冷时,我们必须提到温度。使用温度而不是热或冷的短语可以帮助消除任何误解。让我们在这篇文章中了解温度和不同的尺度来测量它。
The hotness or coolness of a body is referred to as its temperature. It is a method of estimating the kinetic energy of particles within a body.
基于液体膨胀的温度计玻璃水银温度计是在十七世纪发明的。当时使用了完全任意的刻度,因此任何两个温度计的读数都有很大的差异。然而,当 18 世纪上半叶设计出通用的温度标度时,这个问题就被消除了。
A thermometer can be based on any physical attribute that is consistently and reproducibly affected by temperature. For most substances, for example, volume increases with temperature. This feature serves as the foundation for the ordinary alcohol thermometer as well as the early mercury thermometers.
- 上固定点是在海平面和纬度 45°(在正常大气压下)76 厘米汞柱的外部压力下水沸腾的蒸汽温度。
- 下固定点是在海平面 76 cm Hg 的外部压力和 45° 纬度(在正常大气压下)下纯融冰的温度。
- 摄氏度是由安德斯·摄氏首先提出的。所以也叫摄氏标度,下定点选0℃,上定点选100℃。该量表在大多数国家通用。
- 还有另一个重要的温度尺度。它被称为华氏度数,由加布里埃尔·丹尼尔·华氏度(Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit)介绍。在这个尺度上,下固定点选为 32°F,上固定点选为 212°F。
- 温度计中定点标记之间的间隔称为基本间隔。它被划分为摄氏刻度的 100 个相等的空间,华氏度被划分为摄氏刻度的 100 个相等的空间,或华氏刻度的 180 个相等的空间,以给出各个度数。在固定点的上方和下方,可以通过标出相同大小的度数来扩展刻度。
温度是使用温度计使用定义明确的刻度来测量的。有几种转换温度的技术。在开尔文标度上,水的冰点为 273.15 K,沸点为 373.15 K。在华氏温度范围内,水的冰点为 32°F,沸点为 212°F。
- 摄氏温标:摄氏温标,俗称摄氏温标,以水的冰点为零,水的沸点为一百。它由瑞典天文学家安德斯·摄氏于 1742 年发明,由于设定点之间的 100 度范围,通常被称为摄氏度。
- 华氏度:冰的熔点在华氏温度范围内是 32 华氏度。水的沸点为 212 华氏度,两者之间的空隙被分成 180 等份。每个分度等于一个度数。华氏绝对零温度为 459.7 华氏度。
- 开尔文温标:在国际测量系统(SI)中,开尔文温标是热力学温度测量的基础单位。它被定义为纯水三相点(固、液相和气相之间的平衡)的 1/ 273.16。以英国科学家威廉·汤姆森、开尔文男爵命名的绝对温标。
下表显示了每种温标的下固定点和上固定点及其基本区间和符号: Scale Lower fixed point Upper fixed point Fundamental interval Symbol 1. Celsius 0 100 100 K 2. Kelvin 273 373 100 °C 3. Fahrenheit 32 212 180 °F
相应地,三个主要的温度转换或各标度之间的关系,如Conversion between:
- 开尔文到摄氏度
Both the Kelvin and the Celsius scale have a fundamental interval is 100 degrees.
100 divisions on the Kelvin scale = 100 divisions on the Celsius scale
1 division on the Kelvin scale = 1 division on the Celsius scale
This implies,
1°C = 1 K
Now the lower fixed point in the Kelvin scale is 273 °C so if an unknown temperature reads TK in Kelvin scale, then for this reading the mercury thread has moved (TK – 273 °C) divisions from the lower fixed point. In the Celsius scale, the lower fixed point is 0 °C so if the same temperature reads t°C in this scale, then this reading corresponds to a movement of t divisions of the mercury thread from the lower fixed point. As 1 division on both the scales are equal, so
TK – 273 °C = t°C
TK = 273 °C + t°C
Hence, the temperature reading in the Kelvin scale may be obtained by adding 273 to that in the Celsius scale.
- 摄氏度到华氏度或华氏度到摄氏度
The fundamental interval in the Celsius scale is 100 divisions and that in the Fahrenheit scale is 180 divisions.
180 divisions on the Fahrenheit scale = 100 divisions on the Celsius scale
1 division on the Fahrenheit scale = (5/9) divisions on the Celsius scale.
1 division on the Celsius scale = (9/5) divisions on the Fahrenheit scale.
Thus, 1 °C = (9/5) °F or. 1 °F = (5/9)° C
Let us suppose that an unknown temperature reads C and F on the Celsius and the Fahrenheit scales respectively. Now, the reading F corresponds to the movement of (F-32) divisions of the mercury thread from the lower fixed point which is 32° C. Similarly, the reading C corresponds to a movement of C divisions from the lower fixed point which in this case is 0° C.
(F-32) divisions on the Fahrenheit scale=C divisions on the Celsius scale. ……(1)
1 division on the Fahrenheit scale = (5/9) divisions on the Celsius scale.
(F-32) divisions on the Fahrenheit scale = (5/9)(F-32) divisions on the Celsius scale. ……(2)
From equations (1) and (2),
C = (5/9) × (F-32)
(C/5) = [(F-32) / 9]
- 开尔文、摄氏和华氏
If an unknown temperature reads K, C, and F on the Kelvin, Celsius and Fahrenheit scales respectively,
Since, it is known that:
C = K – 273 and (C / 5) = [(F – 32) / 9]
C / 5 = (F – 32) / 9 = (K – 273) / 5
We have, (C/5)=[(F-32)/9]
At C1=-39°C
Or (-39/5)=(F-32)/9
Or -351=(5F-160)
So, F=-38.5°
At C2=357°C
Or (357/5)=(F-32)/9
Or 3213=(5F-160)
So, F = 674.6° F
At F=-109°F
We have, (C/5)=[(F-32)/9]
Or (C/5)=[(-109-32)/9]
The temperature of Dry ice is greater than boiling ethane.
So, dry ice is hotter.
问题 3:摄氏温度计读数是华氏温度计的两倍?
Let x be the temperature on the Fahrenheit thermometer and 2x on the Centigrade thermometer
We have, (C/5) = [(F-32)/9]
(2x/5) = [(x-32) / 9]
18x = 5x -160
13x = -160
x = -12.3
The required temperature is -12.3°F or -24.6°C.
问题4:两个温度计——一个以摄氏度为单位,另一个以华氏度为单位,依次浸入两个浴池中。在这两种情况下,发现两个温度计之间的读数差异为 20。如果浴池的温度不同,请在摄氏温度范围内找到它们的温度。
Let the temperatures of the baths in the Celsius scale be X°C and Y°C. On the Fahrenheit scale, the temperature of the first bath is (X+20)°F and that of the second bath evidently (Y-20)°F.
We have, (C/5) = [(F-32) / 9]
First Bath,
(X/5) = (X+20-32) / 9
9X = 5X-60
X = -15°C.
Second Bath,
(Y/5) = (Y-20-32) / 9
9Y = 5Y-260
Y= -65°C.
Upper fixed point: The upper fixed point is the temperature of steam from water boiling under an external pressure of 76 cm of Hg at sea level and 45° latitude (under normal atmospheric pressure).
Lower fixed point: The lower fixed point is the temperature of pure melting ice under an external pressure of 76 cm of Hg at sea level and 45° latitude (under normal atmospheric pressure).