Pafy – 检查播放列表中每个项目的 CC
在本文中,我们将了解如何在 pafy 中检查播放列表项是否为 CC。 Pafy 是一个Python库,用于下载 YouTube 内容和检索元数据。 Pafy 对象是包含有关给定视频的所有信息的对象。 YouTube 中的播放列表是一个按顺序播放的视频列表或一组视频,一个视频接一个视频。元数据是“提供有关其他数据的信息的数据”。 CC代表隐藏式字幕,它只是在字幕之间切换,如果您打开它,由视频作者提交或由语音识别生成的字幕(更准确地说是隐藏式字幕)开始与视频一起显示。
方法从 youtube 中获取播放列表,下面是执行此操作的命令
播放列表 url 应该存在于 youtube 上,因为它会获取 youtube 上存在的那些视频的信息。 YouTube 是美国的在线视频分享平台。
Steps to get the playlist ID
1. Import the pafy module
2. Get the playlist with the help of URL of playlist
3. Return play list work as dictionary so use ‘items’ as key with the return playlist
4. Store the result in variable and from the items select the single item
5. With the single item use ‘playlist_meta’ key with it
6. Use ‘is_cc’ as keyword with the meta data and store the result and print it
# importing pafy
import pafy
# url of playlist
url = " / playlist?list = PLqM7alHXFySGqCvcwfqqMrteqWukz9ZoE"
# getting playlist
playlist = pafy.get_playlist(url)
# getting playlist items
items = playlist["items"]
# selecting single item
item = items[1]
# getting pafy object
i_pafy = item['pafy']
# getting meta data
metadata = item['playlist_meta']
# checking if it is CC
value = metadata['is_cc']
# printing value
输出 :
# importing pafy
import pafy
# url of playlist
url = " / playlist?list = PLqM7alHXFySE71A2bQdYp37vYr0aReknt"
# getting playlist
playlist = pafy.get_playlist(url)
# getting playlist items
items = playlist["items"]
# selecting single item
item = items[2]
# getting meta data
metadata = item['playlist_meta']
# checking if it is CC
value = metadata['is_cc']
# printing value
输出 :