📜  如何使用 JavaScript 在网站中添加 WhatsApp 分享按钮?

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:56:29.742000             🧑  作者: Mango

如何使用 JavaScript 在网站中添加 WhatsApp 分享按钮?

WhatsApp 是最受欢迎的消息传递应用程序。本文介绍如何将 WhatsApp 分享按钮添加到您的网站。在此示例中,我们创建了一个简单的网站,当您单击它时使用 Whatsapp 共享按钮,它将在您系统上的 Whatsapp 应用程序上打开,并且您的消息已经打印在那里。

注意:这仅适用于您系统中安装的 WhatsApp(台式机/笔记本电脑)







                        7 Best Tips To Speed Up Your                         Job Search in 2022                     


                        Hunting down a relevant job requires                         proper techniques for showcasing your                         potential to the employer.
But with                         the advent of COVID-19, it has become                         a bit challenging and competitive to                         reach out for your dream job.
Many                         individuals have lost their jobs                         during these times, and on the other                         hand, freshers are facing difficulties                         while applying for a new job.
But                         there is no need for panic, you can                         change your ways and streamline things                         in a way that you get a proper result.                     

