📜  forgetypeid revitapi (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:00:50.349000             🧑  作者: Mango

Forgetypeid RevitAPI

Forgetypeid is a commonly used method in the RevitAPI that allows a user to retrieve an element's type id. This method can be extremely useful for a variety of purposes, including creating schedules, calculating material quantities, and generating reports.


The syntax for forgetypeid is as follows:

    public static ElementId ForgetElementTypeId(Element element)

element - The element whose type id is to be retrieved.

Return Value

The ForgetElementTypeId method returns an ElementId representing the type of the specified element.


Here is an example of how to use the ForgetElementTypeId method:

    ElementId typeId = ForgetElementTypeId(element);

This code retrieves the type id of the specified element and assigns it to a variable named "typeId".


Forgetypeid is an important method in the RevitAPI that can be used to retrieve an element's type id. This method has a variety of uses, and can help users perform tasks such as creating schedules and generating reports. If you are a RevitAPI programmer, it is important to understand how to use this method effectively.