📜  在Python中使用 Tkinter 可视化合并排序

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:55:30.610000             🧑  作者: Mango

在Python中使用 Tkinter 可视化合并排序

先决条件: Python GUI – tkinter

在本文中,我们将创建一个 GUI 应用程序,帮助我们在Python中使用 Tkinter 可视化合并排序算法。

归并排序是一种流行的排序算法。它的时间复杂度为 N(logN),比冒泡排序或选择排序等其他排序算法要快。通过创建这个应用程序,我们将能够可视化归并排序的工作原理。合并排序遵循分而治之的范式。它涉及三个步骤

  • 划分:将问题划分为类似小问题的子集
  • 征服:递归解决子问题。
  • 合并:将子问题的解合二为一,找到原始答案



首先,为项目导入所需的模块。导入 NumPy 以生成数组并对其进行洗牌。导入 Tkinter 显然是为了创建 GUI 界面。最后,导入时间以减慢排序过程,这对于可视化至关重要。


  • 定义了一个函数show(),将数组显示为条形图。它需要三个参数 n、数据和颜色。 N 是数组“数据”的长度。颜色是要在画布上绘制的每个条的颜色数组。
  • Shuffle() 是一个不言自明的函数,它只是打乱数组并在调用函数时显示它。
  • 然后是真正的mergesort() 实现函数。
  • Start()函数将触发合并排序函数,然后排序算法将启动。
  • win,创建一个 Tkinter 对象。
  • 然后创建一个画布和两个按钮,分配按下按钮时将触发的相应功能。




# importing all necessary modules
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
import numpy as np
import time
def show(n: int, data: list, colours: list):
    # n is length of the array data
    # data is the array itself
    # colours is an array of colors
    # width variable is the width of each bar
    width = 1560/(3*n-1)
    # gap is the spacing between the bars
    gap = width/2
    for i in range(n):
        # this function will display an array of "bar"
        canvas.create_rectangle(7+i*width+i*gap, 0, 7 +
                                (i+1)*width+i*gap, data[i],
    # this function will help us to see every step
    # of the sorting algorithm
    # the purpose of this function is to update the screen
    # in runtime
def shuffle():
    show(N, arr, color)
def mergesort(arr, left, right):
    if left < right:
        m = (left+right)//2
        mergesort(arr, left, m)
        mergesort(arr, m+1, right)
        j = m+1
        if arr[m] <= arr[m+1]:
        while left <= m and j <= right:
            show(N, arr, ['blue' if x == left or x ==
                          j else 'grey' for x in range(N)])
            if arr[left] <= arr[j]:
                left += 1
                show(N, arr, ['red' if x == left or x ==
                              j else 'grey' for x in range(N)])
                # array of colours where only the focused bars
                # are displayed red since left >arr[j]
                temp = arr[j]
                # storing the smaller element in temp variable
                i = j
                while i != left:
                    arr[i] = arr[i-1]
                    show(N, arr, ['red' if x == i or x ==
                                  j else 'grey' for x in range(N)])
                    i -= 1
                # this while loop will shift all the elements one step
                # to right to make the place empty for the temp variable
                # upon reaching the desired location i.e. left, the
                # temp value will be inserted into that location.
                # this process is much like insertion sort
                arr[left] = temp
                show(N, arr, ['green' if x == left or x ==
                              j else 'grey' for x in range(N)])
                left += 1
                m += 1
                j += 1
# this function call the mergesort function which will
# start the animation.
def start():
    mergesort(arr, 0, N-1)
    show(N, arr, ['purple' for _ in range(N)])
win = Tk()
N = 50  # length of the array
speed = 100  # how fast the array will be sorted
# creating the array using linspace function
# from numpy
arr = np.linspace(10, 390, N, dtype=np.uint16)
color = ['grey' for _ in range(N)]
ttk.Label(win, text='Merge Sort visualizer').pack()
canvas = Canvas(win, width=800, height=400, bg='white')
ttk.Button(win, text='Start sorting', command=start).pack(
    side='right', padx=5, pady=5)
ttk.Button(win, text='Shuffle array', command=shuffle).pack(side='right')
show(N, arr, color)
