PHP |位运算符
- &(按位与):这是一个二元运算符,即它适用于两个操作数。 PHP中的位与运算符将两个数字作为操作数,并对两个数字的每一位进行与运算。仅当两个位都为 1 时,AND 的结果才为 1。
$First & $Second This will return another number whose bits are set if both the bit of first and second are set.
Input: $First = 5, $Second = 3 Output: The bitwise & of both these value will be 1. Explanation: Binary representation of 5 is 0101 and 3 is 0011. Therefore their bitwise & will be 0001 (i.e. set if both first and second have their bit set.)
- | (按位或):这也是二元运算符,即适用于两个操作数。按位或运算符将两个数字作为操作数,并对两个数字的每一位进行 OR。 OR 的结果为 1 两位中的任何一位为 1。
$First | $Second This will return another number whose bits are set if either the bit of first or second are set.
Input: First = 5, Second = 3 Output: The bitwise | of both these value will be 7. Explanation: Binary representation of 5 is 0101 and 3 is 0011. Therefore their bitwise | will be 0111 (i.e. set if either first or second have their bit set.)
- ^(按位异或):这也是二元运算符,即适用于两个操作数。这也称为异或运算符。按位异或将两个数字作为操作数,并对两个数字的每一位进行异或。如果两个位不同,则异或的结果为 1。
$First ^ $Second This will return another number whose bits are set if one of the bit in first or second is set but not both.
Input: First = 5, Second = 3 Output: The bitwise ^ of both these value will be 6. Explanation: Binary representation of 5 is 0101 and 3 is 0011. Therefore their bitwise ^ will be 0110 (i.e. set if either first or second have their bit set but not both.)
- ~ (Bitwise NOT) : 这是一个一元运算运算符,即只对一个操作数起作用。按位非运算符取一个数字并将其所有位取反。
~$number This will invert all the bits of $number.
Input: number = 5 Output: The bitwise '~' of this number will be -6. Explanation: Binary representation of 5 is 0101. Therefore the bitwise ~ of this will be 1010 (inverts all the bits of the input number)
- <<(按位左移):这是一个二元运算符,即适用于两个操作数。按位左移运算符取两个数字,左移第一个操作数的位,第二个操作数决定要移位的位数。
$First << $Second This will shift the bits of $First towards the left. $Second decides the number of time the bits will be shifted.
Input: First = 5, Second = 1 Output: The bitwise << of both these value will be 10. Explanation: Binary representation of 5 is 0101 . Therefore, bitwise << will shift the bits of 5 one times towards the left (i.e. 01010 )
注意:按位左移一位等价于乘以 2。
- >>(按位右移):这也是二元运算符,即适用于两个操作数。按位右移运算符取两个数字,右移第一个操作数的位,第二个操作数决定要移位的位数。
$First >> $Second This will shift the bits of $First towards the right. $Second decides the number of time the bits will be shifted.
Input: First = 5, Second = 1 Output: The bitwise >> of both these value will be 2. Explanation: Binary representation of 5 is 0101 . Therefore, bitwise >> will shift the bits of 5 one times towards the right(i.e. 010)
注意:按位右移一位相当于除以 2。
> $second;
print_r("5 >> 1 will be $answer");
Bitwise & of 5 and 3 is 1
Bitwise | of 5 and 3 is 7
Bitwise ^ of 5 and 3 is 6
Bitwise ~ of 5 is -6
5 << 1 will be 10
5 >> 1 will be 2