使用示例演示特殊参数的 Shell 脚本
在这里,我们将看看 shell 脚本的特殊参数是什么。在这之前,我们先来了解一下什么是shell中的参数。参数是存储值的实体。变量是用户定义的要在该特定 shell 脚本中使用的参数。特殊参数是由 shell 预定义和维护的只读变量。现在让我们看看 bash shell 中的特殊参数是什么。 This parameter represents the current flags set in your shell .himBH are the flags in bash shell. Where:S.No Special Parameters Description 1 $# This parameter represents the number of arguments passed to the shell script. 2 $0 This parameter represents the script name. 3 $i This parameter represents the ith argument passed to the shell script like $1,$2 4 $* This parameter gives all arguments passed to the shell script separated by the space. 5 $! This parameter gives PID of the last background running process. 6 $? This parameter represents the exit status of the last command that executed. The 0 code represents success and 1 represents failure. 7 $_ This parameter gives the last argument provided to the previous command that executed. 8 $$ This parameter gives the PID of the current shell. 9 $@ This parameter holds all argument passed to the script and treat them as an array. It is similar to the $* parameter 10 $-
echo "Number of argument passed: $#"
echo "Script name is $0"
echo "The 2nd argument passed is: $2"
echo "Arguments passed to script are: $*"
echo "Exit status of last command that executed:$?" #This is the previous command for $_
echo "Last argument provide to previous command:$_"
echo "PID of current shell is: $$"
echo "Flags are set in the shell: $-"