📜  servlet 4.1 web.xml (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:20:06.402000             🧑  作者: Mango

Servlet 4.1 Web.xml


The web.xml file is an important configuration file for Java web applications. It is used to define various settings and mappings for servlets, filters, and listeners. Servlet 4.1 was introduced to provide several new features for web applications, including support for HTTP/2, non-blocking I/O, and enhanced security.

New Features in Servlet 4.1 Web.xml
HTTP/2 Support

Servlet 4.1 provides support for HTTP/2, which allows for faster and more efficient communication between the browser and the server. This is achieved by multiplexing multiple requests and responses over a single connection, as well as supporting server push.

To enable HTTP/2 support, set the httpProtocol attribute to "org.apache.coyote.http2.Http2Protocol" in the <Connector> element of the server.xml file.

Non-Blocking I/O

Servlet 4.1 introduces support for non-blocking I/O, which allows for applications to handle more concurrent connections with fewer threads. This is achieved by using the AsyncContext to handle asynchronous request processing, instead of relying on the traditional blocking I/O model.

To use non-blocking I/O, add the @WebServlet(asyncSupported = true) annotation to the servlet class, and then invoke the startAsync() method on the HttpServletRequest object.

Enhanced Security

Servlet 4.1 includes several enhancements to improve the security of web applications. One of the key features is support for HTTP/2's h2c upgrade, which allows secure connections to be established without the need for SSL/TLS.

Other security enhancements include support for the latest version of the HTTP protocol (HTTP/1.1), as well as improvements to session management and cookie handling.


Servlet 4.1's enhanced features provide developers with more options for building fast and secure web applications. With its support for HTTP/2, non-blocking I/O, and improved security, it is an essential tool for building modern web applications.