📜  tomcat 检查会话 mbean (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:48:01.136000             🧑  作者: Mango

Tomcat Session MBean

Tomcat is an open-source web server developed by Apache Software Foundation. In Tomcat, session management is done through Session Manager, which creates, destroys and manages sessions. Tomcat also provides a session MBean (Managed Bean) to monitor and manage session-related activities.

Session MBean provides the following actions for session management:

  • createSession(String sessionId): Creates a new session with the given session Id.

  • destroySession(String sessionId): Destroys the session with the given session Id.

  • getSessionAccessCount(String sessionId): Returns the number of times the session with the given session Id has been accessed.

  • getSessionExpirationDate(String sessionId): Returns the date and time when the session with the given session Id will expire.

  • getSessionLastAccessedTime(String sessionId): Returns the time when the session with the given session Id was last accessed.

  • getSessionIdList(): Returns a list of all the active session IDs.

These operations can be performed through JMX (Java Management Extensions) clients like JConsole or JVisualVM.

Enabling Session MBean

To enable the Session MBean in Tomcat, add the following line to your catalina.properties file:

# Enable Session MBean

After restarting the Tomcat server, you can check if the MBean is enabled by connecting to the Tomcat server using a JMX client and looking for the session-related MBean.


In conclusion, Tomcat Session MBean provides the ability to monitor and manage sessions in a Tomcat server. With the help of JMX clients, you can easily access session-related information and perform sessions management tasks. By enabling the Session MBean in Tomcat, you can take advantage of this powerful feature.