📜  polimer paper 输入(1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:33:43.824000             🧑  作者: Mango

Polimer Paper Input

Polimer Paper Input is a Polymer element that provides a material design text input with floating label and other features. This element is part of the Polimer Paper element set, which consists of a collection of Material Design-inspired UI components built using web components and Polymer.

  • Floating label
  • Error message display
  • Clear button
  • Character counter
  • Disabled/enabled state
  • Custom icon
  • Custom validation
  • Auto-validate

First, import the Polymer element:

<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/paper-input/paper-input.html">

Then, use the element in your HTML:

<paper-input label="Username"></paper-input>
  • label: The input label text.
  • value: The input value.
  • disabled: Disables the input when true.
  • invalid: Marks the input as invalid when true.
  • charCounter: Displays a character counter below the input when true.
  • charCounterLength: The maximum number of characters allowed for the input.
  • customIcon: Custom icon that appears after the input.
  • customValidation: Custom validation function that checks the input value.
  • autoValidate: Validates the input automatically when true.
<paper-input label="Username" value="{{username}}"
             char-counter char-counter-length="20"
             required auto-validate error-message="Username is required"></paper-input>

This example creates an input with the label "Username", with a maximum character count of 20 and is required. It also enables auto validation, and displays an error message when the input is invalid.


Polimer Paper Input element provides a lot of features to create material design input fields easily. It is easy to use and customize, and it is a great addition to any Polymer project.