📜  gcp vm list (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:15:13.966000             🧑  作者: Mango


The gcp vm list command is a command-line tool that allows programmers to list the virtual machines (VMs) in their Google Cloud Platform (GCP) project. This tool provides valuable information about the VMs, such as their name, status, CPU and memory configurations, and network details. It is a convenient way to keep track of the VMs in your project and manage them efficiently.


To use the gcp vm list command, you need to have the Google Cloud SDK installed and authenticated with your GCP project. Here is the basic syntax:

gcloud compute instances list

This command will list all the VM instances in your project along with their details.


The output of the gcp vm list command provides a tabular view of the VMs. Here is an example output:

| Name | Zone | Machine Type | Preemptible | Internal IP | External IP | Status | |--------------|--------------|--------------|-------------|----------------|----------------|---------| | instance-1 | us-central1-a| n1-standard-2| No | | | RUNNING | | instance-2 | us-central1-b| n1-standard-4| No | | 34.67.789.012 | RUNNING | | instance-3 | us-central1-c| n1-standard-8| Yes | | 34.67.345.678 | TERMINATED |

The table includes the following columns:

  • Name: The name of the VM instance.
  • Zone: The zone in which the VM is located.
  • Machine Type: The type of machine (CPU and memory configuration) for the VM.
  • Preemptible: Whether the VM is preemptible or not.
  • Internal IP: The private/internal IP address of the VM.
  • External IP: The public/external IP address of the VM.
  • Status: The current status of the VM (e.g., RUNNING, TERMINATED).
Additional Options

The gcp vm list command provides several options to customize the output or filter the VMs based on specific criteria. Here are some commonly used options:

  • --project [PROJECT_ID]: Specifies the GCP project to list VMs from.
  • --filter [FILTER_EXPRESSION]: Filters the listed VMs based on a specific expression.
  • --format [FORMAT]: Changes the output format of the command (e.g., JSON, YAML).
  • --sort-by [FIELD]: Sorts the listed VMs based on a specific field (e.g., name, creationTimestamp).

For more details about the available options, you can refer to the official Google Cloud documentation.


The gcp vm list command is a powerful tool for programmers to retrieve and manage the VMs in their GCP projects. It provides a comprehensive overview of the VM instances, allowing easy monitoring and control over the infrastructure. By utilizing the various options available, programmers can customize the output and perform advanced filtering or sorting operations.