📜  Azure和GCP之间的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-08-27 17:55:02             🧑  作者: Mango

1. Azure:
它是云服务提供商,并且是Microsoft的子公司,因此有时被称为Microsoft Azure。它成立于2008年,如今已成为全球第二大云服务提供商。它提供软件即服务(SaaS),平台即服务(PaaS)和基础架构即服务(IaaS),并支持许多不同的编程语言,工具和框架。 Azure是一个很好的平台,提供给开发人员以将其应用程序传输或存储到云中。

2. Google Cloud Platform(GCP):
顾名思义,它是Google家族的一部分。它于2011年推出,与Azure(2008)相比有点晚,但它在市场上的地位非常迅速,如今,它已成为仅次于AWS和Azure的世界第三大云提供商。一些使用Google Cloud Platform(计算引擎或App Engine)服务的著名公司是Spotify,HSBC,Home Depot,Snapchat,HTC,Best Buy,Philips,可口可乐,Domino’s,Feedly,ShareThis,Sony Music和Ubisoft。

关于GCP,最重要的是,它为您提供了与Google用于其最终用户服务(例如Gmail,Youtube和Google Meet等)相同的环境和体系结构。截至2020年,Google列出了Google Cloud品牌下的90多种产品包括计算,存储,网络,数据库,分析,应用程序服务,部署,管理每个月都在增加。


S.NO Azure GCP
1 It was started in 2008. It was started in 2011.
2 As of February 2020, Canalys reports Azure with 14.9% of the market. As of February 2020, Canalys reports GCP with 6% of the market.
3 It provides Azure Virtual Machines as computing service. It provides Compute Engine as computing service.
4 It has more number of Zones. It has less number of Zones than AWS.
5 The Growth Rate is low. The Growth Rate is high.
6 It provides Azure CDN. It provides Google Cloud CND. 7 It is expensive than GCP. It is cheaper than Azure.
8 For Container-as-a-service, Azure offers Azure Kubernetes Service. For Container-as-a-service, GCP Offers Google Kubernetes Engine.
9 For Function-as-a-service, Azure offers Azure Functions. For Function-as-a-service, GCP Offers Google Cloud Functions.
10 In case of Azure, 1-3 years commitment for reserved VM instances grants a significant discount. In case of GCP, if you use the same instance for most of a given month you are eligible for a sustained use discount of up to 30%.
11 Azure provides access to files via standard SMB protocol. Google offers NAS access and integrates with GKE.
12 Azure offers a free tier with minimal services, many more popular services for 12 months, and $200 credit to try any other paid service. GCP offers a free tier with some basic services that are always free and a $300 credit to try other services.
13 For RDBMS, Azure provides SQL Database. For RDBMS, GCP provides Cloud SQL.
14 Azure VNet is used in Azure to create Virtual Network. Virtual Private Cloud is used in GCP to create Virtual Network.